General C++ Programming - November 2016 (Page 18)

by bozmin
implementing a list of a class
Is it possible to have a List of a class inside that class?? Lets say I have my Clients class in the file " Client.h " Client.h class Client{ public...
[3 replies] Last: Is it possible that this code works? Yes. If yes, how could I imple... (by coder777)
File Output Font Control
I am trying to create a program that will create a randomly generated eye-sight chart. I understand how to write to the file, i just don;t know how to change th...
[2 replies] Last: If you need to set a specific font for the output you need to use .rtf... (by Thomas1965)
by V07
Calculating MD5 of a file
I've been searching in the internet for calculating MD5 of a file and I have installed CrytoC++ Library and I need to find MD5 of a file using that Library and ...
[1 reply] : (by Thomas1965)
multidimensional vector with 9 dimension
I want to create a 9 dimensional vector for my computer vision project. I have learned how to create 2 and 3 dimensional vectors with its size initialized but d...
[5 replies] Last: Ok i got how i can do it. By using dynamic memory allocation method i ... (by dinesh999lama)
After the basics
I understand the basic of C++, as in (if else statements, loops, conditions,) and generally how to make a program but I don't understand how to practically appl...
[2 replies] Last: What are you looking to do? Find something you want to make, and ma... (by mbozzi)
finding the max power using recursion
i have this program assignment and one part of it is trying to find the max power a number will go to(x) without exceeding a number the user inputs it not to ex...
[4 replies] Last: Didn't your other post, here (by mbozzi)
by PCP63
fstream Newbie Help! (1,2)
Using xCode, FWIW. Basically, didn't really get this concept in class, and cannot figure it out by searching online so far. Here's my assignment: "You are to ...
[30 replies] Last: Thanks for sticking with my question despite initial confusion due to ... (by PCP63)
Smallest, Largest, Average- C language
Write a program that asks the user how many numbers she would like to compare; Then accepts her inputs. The program should output the largest, the smallest and ...
[9 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> int main(){ //n = amount of numbers input ... (by Boxbird)
How to make File a Reference Parameter??
Here is the question: Change function Print so it reads from file "". Make input file a ref. parameter to function Print. Assume Name in one line & Addr...
[3 replies] Last: Lol didn't notice the simplest thing xD works well now thanks! :D (by jyesudha)
Help Please
#include <iostream> void getBalance(float); /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ using namesp...
[2 replies] Last: 2. a = ((max*100) - (min * 100)) + 1; Should be : a = int(((max *... (by Boxbird)
C++ Error
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h>//for exit using namespace std; void inchtocent(float);//prototypes for conversion function void centtoinch(float); ...
[7 replies] Last: Here is another program if you can help me please. #include <iostream... (by tennisnash2)
No viable conversion?
#ifndef GRAPHICS_H #define GRAPHICS_H #include <string> using namespace std; #include "Color.h" #include "utility.h" class Graphics { public: ...
[2 replies] Last: The error you are getting means the compiler sees no way to take a sin... (by Plover)
by mbozzi
What does this template code expand to?
I found this on Stack Overflow, here, and simplified it slightly: # include <iostream> # include <tuple> template<class Tu...
[1 reply] : Okay -- I figured it out on my own now. The parameter pack expands t... (by mbozzi)
Student Statistics
Hello everyone, First would like to say I am new to this forum and C++ programming. I am in my first semester of programming and have been asked to write a pro...
[1 reply] : One problem is in >> Number; The first column is the name but you re... (by Thomas1965)
rand() Crashes.
Hello, I am currently trying to program tic tac toe and the console crashes once i use the rand() funktion and try to assign it to a variable. This is the wh...
[2 replies] Last: Seems like I forgot to change it to (rand() % 2). Thanks for helping ^... (by Gammel2012)
Text colour and Sleep
How to make the system sleep for sometime (like seconds)? Also, how to change the text colour in c++? I saw a program written a long time ago and it uses dos...
[2 replies] Last: You should almost always prefer the standard APIs over platform APIs i... (by mbozzi)
Second largest and smallest number
I need to read numbers from a txt file and find the the number of numbers, max, min, average, sum, second largest, and second smallest number. I cant seem to fi...
[1 reply] : Could you clarify what you want to do for "second largest" if, say, th... (by lastchance)
What does this function do ?
When executed the program outputs : The result is 55. I'm not sure how that result was processed any help or hints would be much appreciated. Thank you for yo...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=lFoxiel]I'm not sure how that result was processed any help or ... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
Reading white spaces of a c-string from fstream
Hi guys, I am not sure how to include white spaces in my output. For example, this is the file it should read from. 3 1001 McDonald Figure 100 10.90...
[2 replies] Last: WOW THANKS! IT WORKS PERFECTLY :) (by Helexander)
Undeclared identifier 'red'.
I'm not understanding why return red, green, and blue gives me the error that there is an undeclared identifier. Also, my checkRange function should make sure t...
[2 replies] Last: If, as @wildblue speculated, your red, green and blue variables are pa... (by doug4)
November 2016 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 23
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