by icanjam
I really need help formating output to a text file.
[1 reply] : Alas, correctly formatting floating point numbers is not so simple as ... (by Duthomhas)
by minty2015
Triangle Program Assistance
[3 replies] Last: And I'm sorry if I'm not understanding this part correctly, but when y... (by minty2015)
by guru23
[3 replies] Last: As I said, check your calculation: there must be some mistake. (by minomic)
by aliyesami
need to understand how this code works
[1 reply] : uiValue /= 10; is the same as uiValue = uiValue / 10; ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by zippo88
Memory allocation problem
[3 replies] Last: After looking at it again... changing a pointer in a function won't c... (by Gamer2015)
by MzDoll
Is it possible to have code in a .txt?
[5 replies] Last: @Peter87 My partner made up the main code and he included program1.txt... (by MzDoll)
by zachd07
Help with C++ Command Line Program
[2 replies] Last: I need help first finding the exact point size from the input file I'm... (by zachd07)
by zachd07
Manipulating an file
[2 replies] Last: Hey Computer Geek, I currently have the program like such. The thing ... (by zachd07)
Zzhhh |
[2 replies] Last: I'm having a problem with this same code.. I can't figure out how to g... (by bambam)
by DarkTrick
let headers generate out of cpp-files
[2 replies] Last: oh, I didn't know that! that should definitely be changed, thank you ! (by DarkTrick)
by seanster
How to call a struct function in main(if possible)
[2 replies] Last: with lines 19,23,and 27 my assignment states that those functions need... (by seanster)
by wh1t3crayon
How to iterate though each character of a string from a json file with Boost?
[5 replies] Last: for(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v : pt.get_child("level... (by wh1t3crayon)
by AbsenceDev
How do I use class objects within another class??
[13 replies] Last: stringConstIterator.toInt32 Wasn't valid I have learned, I am sti... (by AbsenceDev)
by Spirrwell
operator= Not As Expected?
[5 replies] Last: I had read about it using a constructor operator. The idea is that ... (by MikeyBoy)
by pacman169
How to dereference a pointer
[5 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ #include <stdlib.h> /* qsort... (by pacman169)
by YayaBanana7
Pressing any key to achieve something?
[2 replies] Last: Let me know if this doesn't work... #include <iostream> #include <c... (by turtlesavage)
by turtlesavage
Console Menu with Blinking Start Button and Unintrusive Input
[5 replies] Last: Ok, so I have my code working at this point. This is what I've come u... (by turtlesavage)
by kalki
Unit Test Case for classes
[no replies]
by kalki
I'm trying to make a makefile with multiple files. Can someone help me?
[8 replies] Last: Thank you peter........ Your guidence are very useful to create makefi... (by kalki)
by xdhx12345
Arrays with textfile data(help)
[1 reply] : It would be helpful to me to see a sample of your data, tree.txt... M... (by SamuelAdams)