General C++ Programming - November 2015 (Page 19)

square using while loop
write a program that gives the square of the first five numbers. and then gives the sum of these squares. the output is: 1 4 9 16 25 the total is: 55
[3 replies] Last: (by YFGHNG)
Doubt in Carray and Vector
i have CArray<int,int& > m_p how to declare this in vector : as giving problem with reference . Please let me know regarding this.
[1 reply] : how to declare this in vector : std::vector<int> m_p; ... (by cire)
GetUpperBound in vector and array
CArray::GetUpperBound the upper bound in CArray return upper bound of this array. there is any api in vector dynamically to get the upper bound.
[1 reply] : If you want the index of the last element in the vector you can use v... (by Peter87)
Linked List Stack Problem Postop
Hi, I'm having trouble getting my linked list to work properly. There seems to be a memory access violation. Also, for the "show" function, how would I get it t...
[1 reply] : There seems to be a memory access violation. I don't see anything ob... (by cire)
Help with array input and output
I need help with storing values in an array and outputting them in two different modules. I'm able to input values, but it either isn't being stored in the ...
[16 replies] Last: Thanks for your help anyway! (by etsuper258)
Assigning typedef strings to typedef char arrays
So I'm in a college class, working on the last function on this lab. We have to take a name that we read into a stateNameType element of an array, where the ...
[1 reply] : I got it working, using a strcpy_s function - forgot you can't assign ... (by knexkid9)
A question about classes
I'v looked at a few examples of code involving classes, but there is one thing i do not understand, and can not find information about Let me give a simple ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much, that helps. (by ashleygarrott)
by moot
John Conway's Game of Life Assignment
I need to recreate the Game of Life by John Conway. My professor gave us the skeleton code, so all we had to do was fill out the functions. I have been having t...
[6 replies] Last: @helios, wow, I can't believe I missed that! I ended up changing them ... (by moot)
by Kernul
Problem with this list
So, I tried doing this exercise, I compiled it and there were no errors nor warnings so it seemed fine to me. This is the exercise: 1° Part Create a list ...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry for the late replay... Anyway, what does "this" do? There are po... (by Kernul)
stuck on conversions
I'm doing an assignment, the assignment has us taking a string and converting it to a integer or double. We had to make a function that checks to make sure the ...
[10 replies] Last: The first part: With Double::isDigit if the input is 1.23 , the ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with TDM-GCC & Cygwin
I ALWAYS loved linux's terminal, something about it is amazing from my opinion. and people also recommended me to compile using TDM-GCC instead of just visual ...
[3 replies] Last: It did help, Thanks. (by closed account 1vD3vCM9)
Help with Troubleshooting arrays
Im trying to print out an array in ascending order at the end of my code but I keep getting a minimum value of 2 and then the first number is 2 when I dont have...
[1 reply] : int numbers ; ... temp=numbers ; numbers =numbers ; ... (by cire)
by Tores1
sorting by bubblesort and threads
Hi forum I need help with sorting in bubblesort.I created 4 therads and each thread should sort part of array but numbers are sort badly.I think that problem i...
[1 reply] : I think that problem is in bubblesort can anyone help me please ? I ... (by cire)
Reading from files
[1 reply] : Please don't post in multiple forums at the same time: http://www.cplu... (by jlb)
by ephob
query on virtual function
Hi, I m using visual studio. I was trying virtual function. I have one query. when i used as virtual void area(int*val)=0; visual studio gave error as "c...
[1 reply] : By using virtual void area(int*val)=0; , you are declaring it as "pur... (by JayhawkZombie)
Help needed!!!
This is my question.. is there any source code for this question.. I cant find and im using Visuall C++ 08 express edition.. can anyone help me pleasee :'( ...
[1 reply] : Do not double-post. The other thread: (by keskiverto)
by parik
Create a perfect brush SDL
I'm making a program which helps to create drawings. The problem is that the brush is not perfect. When the mouse moves slow , the brush is good , but when it m...
[2 replies] Last: Alright , I'll try that and come back. Thanks EDIT : Works :D (by parik)
Parent class method invocation
Hi everyone) Is there a way in C++ to design classes so that each time overridden virtual function is called, corresponding base class function is called too, w...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks)) (by Diredko)
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int first, second, third; clrscr(); printf("Input first integer:"); scanf("%d",&first); printf...
[5 replies] Last: ok.... TheIdeasMan....... (by HelloWorld23)
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