by shahzebraza
program to print stars
[1 reply] : I tried to run your code, and this happened: * ... (by MrHealYoGirl)
by C0D3FR3AK
Can anyone help with this issue?
[11 replies] Last: What you can do to keep the data is to build a structure of this form:... (by MrHealYoGirl)
by vinny1
My loop will not exit propery
[2 replies] Last: oh thank you (by vinny1)
Pointer Function inquiries. |
[2 replies] Last: At the end of this article: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Sh0es
ArrayList Class Throws Segfault on Copy Ctor Call
[1 reply] : Remember that is a constructor so size , space and data has not b... (by Peter87)
design a class with data members and member functions |
[2 replies] Last: Sorry. If this is an interview question then it's for you to answer, n... (by dhayden)
by vinny1
Having trouble with some of my cases
[2 replies] Last: For example instead of hearing = 7 it gives hearing = Length = 0 You... (by kbw)
by shivanijain
well ,this is a program to find whether the given no is PALINDROME,its not giving the correct output.Please HELP!!!!
[2 replies] Last: PLEASE use the code tag using namespace std; #include<iostream> #in... (by JayhawkZombie)
Variadic Templating |
[3 replies] Last: Some great examples! Thanks! I like the connection to the standard l... (by JayhawkZombie)
by jl901205
How to print a diagonal of numbers in stars?
[12 replies] Last: Probably because he is trying to hide the fact that someone else did ... (by MikeyBoy)
by djd123djd
Base 10 to Base 8 program
[1 reply] : Can you please use the code format tags to format your code. I've take... (by kbw)
by Eric58
I need help with this
[1 reply] : Please post what you have done so far and put the code in code tags ht... (by TarikNeaj)
by whoShmurf
Queue Input Problem Postup
[no replies]
by Serming
Calculating different ways
[4 replies] Last: Could you elaborate on this a bit more? How would I check that all po... (by dhayden)
by nwd3
Circular Queues
[1 reply] : sorry I don't know how to use code tags Then set your troubled mind ... (by MikeyBoy)
by MrHealYoGirl
List sorting -- how to compare strings?
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, I spotted more syntax mistakes on the code, such ... (by MrHealYoGirl)
by Blythe
Looping shapes.
[1 reply] : For some reason you are sorting a and b. Don't do that. You need two ... (by Duthomhas)
by alwash818
Help Please!!
[3 replies] Last: Take a really good look at this (by ShiftLeft)
Need Help on... |
[1 reply] : Please use code tags when posting code, to make it readable: http://w... (by MikeyBoy)
by benija
Writing coffee shop simulation
[4 replies] Last: Hopefully someone can see what I'm missing. The first thing you're ... (by MikeyBoy)