General C++ Programming - November 2015 (Page 17)

by x2padj
Hey guys, I am new to programming and have to write a translation program based off of words that were given to us in two text files, an English and Spanish one...
[16 replies] Last: @jasoncoe Exactly! You now have to find a way to 'feed' the arrays by ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Confused on how to convert this to work in c++
Use a loop with indirect or indexed addressing to reverse the elements of an integer array in place. Do not copy the elements to any other array. Use the SIZEOF...
[1 reply] : Here is an article on how to use Assembler in Visual Studio. http://w... (by Thomas1965)
myarray output is not number why
#include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; void printarray(int arg , int length);//function declararion void printchar(char arg , int len...
[1 reply] : char arrays are handled differently because they are often used to sto... (by Peter87)
Last 2 digits same
Write an exercise program that reads two integers and checks if the last two digits entered numbers are identical. In the event that the same appears to be the ...
[1 reply] : Presumably you've been recently introduced to the modulus operator (%)... (by cire)
array of pointer .
Audubon High School is holding a fundraiser. Declare an array that can hold contribution amounts for each of the four classes: freshman, sophomore, junior, and ...
[1 reply] : What is the question? Are you looking for someone to write to code f... (by Thomas1965)
Huffman Tree Code Generator
So here is my problem I am trying to accomplish: I have a method: string* generateCodewords() of class HuffmanTree. This method should return an array with ...
[1 reply] : Constructor: HuffmanTree::HuffmanTree(unsigned int* frequencies) { ... (by ahunter8850)
by J031
cool c++ programming topics
Hey can you guys list some cool computer topics that has a good tutorials in c++. example:Neural networks,genetic algorithm,fractals etc.
[3 replies] Last: That link to the A* appears to be broken. For a pretty thorough treat... (by cire)
by hylian
variable not declared iin this scope
My program isn't working because it say's variables aren't declared in the correct way. I was wondering if anyone could help me. #include <iostream> using nam...
[7 replies] Last: int main() { float squareFeet; float paintCost; float labCost; float... (by JayhawkZombie)
by jsfq
struct array and selection sort
I need to write code that defines a struct, an array that can hold 20 occurrences of the struct and a print function. Read in data display sort by name usi...
[1 reply] : Either you provide an operator>(const person_info &pi) const in your... (by coder777)
by esolve
the problem of class member function used as argument
Myclass.h file class Myclass{ private: int i; public: void call(int i, short s, void* v); void start(); } Myclass.cpp file void ...
[1 reply] : Create a static class function with the required signature. Instead of... (by coder777)
finding mode function and returns a vector
Ok guys. I have an assignment and I think I'm almost there for the most part. I'm just looking maybe for some guidance or advice on what I can do next. My code ...
[2 replies] Last: Funny!! Great minds think alike by the look of it. http://stackoverflo... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Minefield program
I shaved down the code a bit. Can anyone tell me how to get the sides of the minefield to display correctly? Thanks #include <iostream> using namespace ...
[1 reply] : You mean something like this? ..................... .1100001#1000... (by ats15)
scope question nested loops
(expression 1) {statement 1} . .initialize vars for next loop . (expressi...
[3 replies] Last: Correct. After 'this closing' the x variable no longer exists. (by Duthomhas)
Number guessing game help(Arrays) (1,2)
Hello, I am trying to keep track of the number of guess each time then display the lowest score(guesses). Can anyone help, and suggest where I should implement ...
[20 replies] Last: If you look in the tutorial section in the top left hand corner there ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
goto command not working as expected
I solved this with a loop but in the process I couldn't get the goto to work as expected. This ends in an infinite loop. Obviously the last if statement is the...
[17 replies] Last: Hey T.I.M thx for the scalable. Good habits. Thank you everyone. (by technologist)
Minefield program
This program fills a 20x20 field with mines then identify the number of mines in the 8 surrounding areas of each point. After that it will display the number in...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. (by bently579)
i wanted to find the summation of gcd(i,n) from i=1 to i=n. I have to input the value of 'n'. The time limit for the code to run is 1.5 sec. and 1<=n<=10^7. W...
[4 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include <math.h> using namespa... (by samarth123)
How to test a large CString to find a smaller CString
Working on this lab, and have 9 hours to submit it. Thought I had it finished, but the professor clarified instructions and I have to rewrite some code. I'm p...
[3 replies] Last: What would strstr return if a match was not found? And what would it ... (by MikeyBoy)
Locale i18n problem
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and i hope to be around for a while. I'm having trouble with std::messages<char>::open taking the 3rd directory argume...
[2 replies] Last: I missed the detailed description which states the developer must impl... (by CaesarCPP)
Array allocator with random number generator...
Hello. I was doing a challenge problem from my textbook... The problem states, "Write a function that dynamically allocates an array of integers. The function s...
[1 reply] : In hopes of not interfering with what you learn from your college, I s... (by MrHealYoGirl)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 26
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