by x2padj
[16 replies] Last: @jasoncoe Exactly! You now have to find a way to 'feed' the arrays by ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by srsblack
Confused on how to convert this to work in c++
[1 reply] : Here is an article on how to use Assembler in Visual Studio. http://w... (by Thomas1965)
by lovecpp92
myarray output is not number why
[1 reply] : char arrays are handled differently because they are often used to sto... (by Peter87)
Last 2 digits same |
[1 reply] : Presumably you've been recently introduced to the modulus operator (%)... (by cire)
array of pointer . |
[1 reply] : What is the question? Are you looking for someone to write to code f... (by Thomas1965)
by ahunter8850
Huffman Tree Code Generator
[1 reply] : Constructor: HuffmanTree::HuffmanTree(unsigned int* frequencies) { ... (by ahunter8850)
by J031
cool c++ programming topics
[3 replies] Last: That link to the A* appears to be broken. For a pretty thorough treat... (by cire)
by hylian
variable not declared iin this scope
[7 replies] Last: int main() { float squareFeet; float paintCost; float labCost; float... (by JayhawkZombie)
by jsfq
struct array and selection sort
[1 reply] : Either you provide an operator>(const person_info &pi) const in your... (by coder777)
by esolve
the problem of class member function used as argument
[1 reply] : Create a static class function with the required signature. Instead of... (by coder777)
by ahemesath98
finding mode function and returns a vector
[2 replies] Last: Funny!! Great minds think alike by the look of it. http://stackoverflo... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by bently579
Minefield program
[1 reply] : You mean something like this? ..................... .1100001#1000... (by ats15)
by technologist
scope question nested loops
[3 replies] Last: Correct. After 'this closing' the x variable no longer exists. (by Duthomhas)
by xdhx12345
Number guessing game help(Arrays) (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: If you look in the tutorial section in the top left hand corner there ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by technologist
goto command not working as expected
[17 replies] Last: Hey T.I.M thx for the scalable. Good habits. Thank you everyone. (by technologist)
by bently579
Minefield program
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. (by bently579)
by samarth123
[4 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include <math.h> using namespa... (by samarth123)
by knexkid9
How to test a large CString to find a smaller CString
[3 replies] Last: What would strstr return if a match was not found? And what would it ... (by MikeyBoy)
by CaesarCPP
Locale i18n problem
[2 replies] Last: I missed the detailed description which states the developer must impl... (by CaesarCPP)
by leeZico
Array allocator with random number generator...
[1 reply] : In hopes of not interfering with what you learn from your college, I s... (by MrHealYoGirl)