General C++ Programming - November 2015 (Page 14)

tansfering scan,print to cin,cout
how can I transfer this 2 codes into cin,cout instead of scan,print I need your help please Char X; float w ,l ,b , h , r ; const float pi = 3.14; Sc...
[1 reply] : You've been lazy. You could have posted code that would have compiled... (by kbw)
Freeing resources causing return error?
I'm writing a lot of SDL code right now, and though my program runs perfectly fine, but when (and only when) the function to free my outline font files(.ttf) is...
[1 reply] : I'll be a memory overwrite somewhere in the program. (by kbw)
adding image on console using c++
how do I add a simple bitmap image in my program? I'm creating a database using c++ on visual studio 2012 I just need to insert a picture on console at the star...
[11 replies] Last: -_- I meant... use the winbgim header file. It allows for images and a... (by jasonwynn10)
Creating a Linear Linked List with an External File
Hi, I think my problem may be quite minor; however, I am going to provide a bit of background information. I am trying to read/load data from an external text...
[1 reply] : It seems like you're making a rod for your own back. If you're writin... (by kbw)
Multiple functions problem
When i run it it says Program stopped working. But i can't see what's the problem with the code. Does anyone know why is it giving an error ? Here is the c...
[4 replies] Last: Oh okay, i see what you mean. The way i did it, it just does a endless... (by whyunomad)
return value when you don't know the size?
I'm getting in the habit of creating functions for things which I will use on a regular basis. How can I return this value when I don't know the size of it? ...
[2 replies] Last: Thomas1965 + 1 (by Duthomhas)
by Mp7
c++ initials
How do i extract someones initials using only char and not strings?
[1 reply] : I think you should read this first. (by Thomas1965)
Quick Help Needed! Lo Shu Magic Square
So I need to create a "magic square" that is to say that every row pillar and diagonal add up to the same number here is what I have to find the grid using a ...
[no replies]
Linking SDL2 Library with my Eclipse MacOSX
I can't get my SDL2 Library working on my Eclipse. I managed to link my Headerfiles with Eclipse. But where are the SDL2.a files? I tried to just link the SDL.f...
[no replies]
by cal516
Calculations not working correctly
I am having trouble with this program. It runs fine but the calculations in two of my functions are not working correctly: convertToPesos and convertToYen My a...
[3 replies] Last: If this Topic is completed, then please mark it as solved please. (by jasonwynn10)
Where do I start
Hey I'm just starting off in the world of C++ and i was wanting to know if anyone had any tutorials in mind I know C++ is a harder language, but I know some oth...
[6 replies] Last: Ok Thanks (by ProgrammingNerd9311)
functions in separate source/header
Newbie when it comes to c++, but have experience in other languages so giving it a go. I am having trouble understanding how to place functions in separate sou...
[4 replies] Last: Makes sense. Thanks for being helpful! I'm sure I will look back on ... (by mihomes)
Don't understand try-catch/if-else-throw
Im working on a program that is a rectangle class, and it has three files and runs fine but i need to implement an if-else-throw in the set function and try-cat...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> struct Rectangle { Rect... (by JLBorges)
by imba
folder viewer
Hey guys... i need a little bit knowledge of yours, below is just a part of my program and in this stage it works fine when you input the correct name of the fo...
[3 replies] Last: i don' know much about the "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY" but i guess it's... (by fluppe)
by fluppe
Destructor in derived class / freeing memory
Hello, i have a short question on the way the destructor is called and used in a derived class ... Say i have a class class clMem{ public: // ctor int len; ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the answer. That solves my issue. I don't know much about p... (by fluppe)
getline Questions..Appreciated!
// Hello <p> blah blah<h1>bl blah //using the line above i wrote this code(below) to attempt to gather just the //<p>..i have no errors..but i also have nothi...
[15 replies] Last: cire, Thank you (by nameishi)
C++ Roulette design
As a consequence of a post I've seen on here, I thought roulette would be something that would tweak my limited "C++" skills. What I'm looking for here is; ...
[7 replies] Last: This is what I've come up with now, which I believe is consistent with... (by ShiftLeft)
reading in pixels two bits at a time?
I have a programming challenge that involves reading in pixels from a PGM file. PGM is a simple format for black-and-white photographs. The programs asks to do...
[2 replies] Last: thanks....but someone told me we are supposed to be doing something li... (by kevinwsteele)
by a7867
i need the program to count the words and characters ad give me a a number but instead it gives me a list idk what im doing wrong #include <iostream> #inclu...
[6 replies] Last: This program seems to be working just fine. I modified it a little bit... (by jasonwynn10)
Reading a txt file into an array
I have a text file where the first number is the total number of arrays. The second number in the file is the total amount in the first array. Each array has ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you for your help Chervil. It is much appreciated. (by clintlwilliams)
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