General C++ Programming - November 2015 (Page 12)

My First Array
I am having some trouble setting up my function calls in my c++ program if someone could help that would be great. Thanks in advance. #include <IOMANIP> #in...
[7 replies] Last: why do you report him? He has legitimate logic. (by jasonwynn10)
Please someone should debug this program.
i'm having some issues debugging this program. can someone do that for me. please /* A program that calculates the area of a triangle using three distinct ...
[4 replies] Last: i did that already....its now working....thanks for you time @TarikNea... (by Bigmike Eneji)
by tcpbox
Whats the advantage of all classes derive from a main one
Hi guys. . My doubt is about the advantage of all classes of my application be derived from a main one, I saw this in the first time in delphi where all c...
[1 reply] : It's not an "advantage" so much as it is a design consideration. Polym... (by Computergeek01)
by Zoza
I need the code for the following format pls
The file comprises a list of US stock symbols and their prices from the period 2000-2015. How to write a program that allows: 1- one to read the content of the...
[2 replies] Last: Also please post a small sample of your input file. (by jlb)
by KSDood
In search of a book
Ok - this is NOT about C++, but about C. I'm in search of a book, that I can't remember the exact title or author, but the contents. Seems like the title wa...
[no replies]
Nested loops using functions
I have finally reached a point in c++ that I don't understand. We are halfway through the semester when my teacher assigns this: "For this assignment, your p...
[1 reply] : Your teacher probably made a typo when he wrote the assignment so you ... (by Computergeek01)
switch statement/loop not working
Wanted to check the validity of my code. This is a small function to get the users input 1-9 or send him back to the beginning with wrong input. I am trying to ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the referrals. Actually I am not new to c++; these are just... (by technologist)
Text adventure with functions
I have an assignment for my class. we are to make a choose your own adventure game. I don't want anyone to help with coding, I can handle that. My question i...
[6 replies] Last: here is my finished code. Didn't get any errors, and works as expecte... (by A19S86R)
by as23
Multidimensional Array Pointer
Hi, I have a number multidimensional arrays of different sizes. I would like to create a pointer to these arrays and pass that down in a function. For instan...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the great information. After I switched to build in C I was... (by as23)
Lambda Function question?
how would I if possible Take this function void stringIsAnum(string &x, string prompt) { while (!is_digits(x = getInput(prompt))); } // calling this...
[2 replies] Last: post your program with general/ normal function call. I show you Lambd... (by sujitnag)
Need Help C++
I need help with the array and trying to figure out this game. But with the code I need to figure out how to only make it move only up, down, left and right. Ra...
[5 replies] Last: Wow. It looks like a couple of posts just disappeared. I thought you... (by doug4)
by nwd3
Binary Trees
Hello. I am trying to recursively find the height of a binary tree. This is what I have. It is passing the tests through 4a. The tests are right but I think...
[1 reply] : What's with the magic numbers? #include <algorithm> // for std::max ... (by cire)
by S G H
Member Function Pointer with variable arguments as a template parameter?
I'm trying to store an arbitrary member function pointer. Nothing about the function pointer is known beforehand. I don't know what's the correct syntax for ach...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, damnit. I've received error messages for two days and changed p... (by S G H)
error was not declared in scope vvv this is my code
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { while(1) { char choice ; cout << ":: Menu::" << endl; cout << " 1. Daran is a fag?...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags: [co de] Your code [/co de] Read this: http://w... (by coder777)
Help with loops regarding text file
Hello, I have made a previous post solved those issues; however, I would like to keep track of rain days. The data in the text is formatted: .3 0 0 this means o...
[1 reply] : The comma separator on line 47 processes the separate statements and e... (by coder777)
write to file function - combining text and variables?
I will be writing to a log file quite often and wanted to create an easy to use function to do so. The below works fine, however, my goal is to be able to do s...
[3 replies] Last: I understand what you want to do. I'm saying that using a function is ... (by dhayden)
Prompting user for input into an array
I am having trouble with a homework assignment for c++. I need to declare an array that can hold up to 1000 data points. Then I need to prompt the user to ask h...
[1 reply] : If you want to create an array which the size is chosen by the user, y... (by TarikNeaj)
Question regarding 0's
I am writing a program to convert time from 12-hour notation to 24-hour notation. Everything works great, however, when I input a time such as 3:00 pm, the comp...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iomanip> std::cout << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') <... (by helios)
by cotro
Adding a header in another generates multiple errors
Hello, I downloaded a small program that I was able to compile successfully. Then I started to modify it, through the adding of some header files of a projec...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestions. It was the lack of a bracket to close a cl... (by cotro)
Read and display character located at a 26*26 grid
This is a personal project and I'm quite a noob into c++. What I'm trying to achieve is a small program able to read a character located at a specific X & Y coo...
[3 replies] Last: thank you both! this was very helpfull (by ferrermacea)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 26
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