by cageybee
I need help with my project
[1 reply] : Here is the project requirement: Design and create a class called Com... (by cageybee)
Delete Node Error |
[1 reply] : Your Search() function is wrong too. You're setting flag=false if ... (by dhayden)
by dkaip
operator += problem...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you very mutch. Worka fine ... (by dkaip)
by wuzamarine
how do I print a vector in increments of 7?
[no replies]
by dominover
extern and global classes?
[3 replies] Last: but one of my class pointers I had not allocated space for in memory ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by benbalach
Question about Boost.Asio
[3 replies] Last: @MiiNiPaa @JLBorges Thank you so much! (by benbalach)
ask for advices on proper containers to handle my work |
[no replies]
by Shuruki
Sorting Nodes in a Linked List
[6 replies] Last: Not sure if I have the Parameters correctly, and I haven't used PrevPt... (by Shuruki)
by bertbear
Reading from a .txt, replacing word, then overwritng .txt
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both they worked great and I have used both of your suggesti... (by bertbear)
by JoshuaCrotts
Help with C++ Game?
[14 replies] Last: Can anyone help? (by JoshuaCrotts)
by suzaku343
Nested Loops
[no replies]
Quicksort Explanation |
[2 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
by harrisaa93
Pointer Question
[2 replies] Last: Prefer to use nullptr instead of NULL . (by LB)
by kcwijaya
Bug with replacing elements in 2D Vector
[2 replies] Last: line is a char . The '7' is a character that looks like, well, s... (by keskiverto)
by suzaku343
switch statement
[1 reply] : I think the new switch statement goes between cin >> grade; and swi... (by dhayden)
by TommyK154
heapify algorithm using array indexes
[no replies]
by nicoleborg7
Mean and Variance
[2 replies] Last: Start by blocking out what you need to do: generate a set of 10 rand... (by PCrumley48)
by Maco10
error: passing ‘const …'’ as ‘this’ argument of ‘…’ discards qualifiers
[2 replies] Last: I can fix it! Your assistance was very useful. I am going to follow yo... (by Maco10)
Exceptions in a function |
[3 replies] Last: catch-statements should terminate a try-block inside a function or me... (by Computergeek01)
by wcassella
Future of C++ Modules
[2 replies] Last: Modules can certainly be emulated with design patterns, but that doesn... (by wcassella)