General C++ Programming - November 2014 (Page 26)

sf2 note on/off velocity and aftertouch vs adsr envelope?`
How do I apply a velocity from a MIDI note on/off and note/channel aftertouch to the adsr envelope? Simply multiply the pcm samples with the volume specified by...
[no replies]
by ap117
Tic-Tac-Toe Game errors
I need to fill in the int main() portion of the following code where the first move is randomly chosen (computer or player) and then the game is played. Given: ...
[4 replies] Last: Now that I have who goes first based on whether or not a random number... (by ap117)
by Noori
data structure,20494,30383,00.html can someone have a look to this homework any idea how to start it, i think we should implement it using...
[1 reply] : My first though was that you were a spammer, but on second thought I d... (by Peter87)
Urgent Maze help
How would I fix: 47|error: 'rpnewLocation' was not declared in this scope| 171|error: 'nCols' was not declared in this scope| 171|error: expected ')' before ...
[1 reply] : Variable names are case sensitive. For instance, you use the variable ... (by Computergeek01)
by g3rsii
need to aid on a program asap
i am asked to make a program that gets a text from the keyboard and prints out only the lines longer than x characters using pointers and vector (without strin...
[no replies]
How to diplay with decimals?
Hello, I am trying to make the code below display the result with decimals. I tried using setprecision, but I am not too sure where to put it. I placed it in...
[4 replies] Last: It worked. Thanks guys. I could of sworn I tried that already. (by tnguy070)
by Glaven
Search User Input Number In Array Filled With Random Numbers Help!
I need to create A program That makes a 12x10 Array Grid Filled With Random Numbers From 0-99. Then I need To Allow The User To Input A Number Between 0-99 A...
[1 reply] : First, you need to change Array = rand() % (99 - 0) + 0; to Ar... (by closed account 2UD8vCM9)
2D Arrays - Creating virtual Creatures?
So first I have to display a 2D array with all 0s, which is pretty easy. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (){ int array ; for(int a=0...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, I was able to finish the project successfully! (by Crypted)
by Jweim
Switch Statement; Summing items
I'm creating a program that is combining functions to show a menu to a user then the user picks numbered items which results in the totalling of a bill for them...
[3 replies] Last: you may consider enumerating the menu or you could use a map :) ... (by mutexe)
Problem Creating a Game of 21
Hi all, I'm new to C++ and I am trying to create a game of 21 as part of a project for my Computer Science. The game is supposed to assign the user two rand...
[1 reply] : This section: if (hitOrStay == 'h' || hitOrStay == 'H') { int numbe... (by mutexe)
by zepher
template function in struct
Hi All, I understand template functions and how to call them explicitly when no arguments are passed to them but can't seem to instantiate them explicitly wh...
[6 replies] Last: > Can this creator be a class or struct instead of a namespace? Yes. ... (by JLBorges)
check if cin ready to read
How can i check cin or scanf is ready to read? There is a method in Java for this ( but I couldn't find any method or function...
[4 replies] Last: while (true) { if (cin is ready to read) { cin >> x; ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help with macro (catenation)
I have some macros, as follows: #define CAT(st1, st2) st1 ## st2 #define STRING abc #define MACRO CAT(STRING, d) I expect 'MACRO' to expand to abcd but ...
[2 replies] Last: Works! Thanks! (by alterecho)
C++ Framework/Tools/IDE/Library ?
Hi all members. I want to know what are the best tools used by the big giants like Google,HCL,Microsoft,TCS,Infosys etc. Please tell me for two OS i.e. Wind...
[no replies]
Need help!!!
I am new to programming in C++, and have got a project on this. Could someone guide me the correct way to solve this... Write a C++ program that accepts th...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah it has been.... (by closed account 3pf2y60M)
how can i make this mathematical formulation into coding
hello..i dont know if the title suitable i have this math formulation HM ei x (exp 0.05(rnd[min,max]) ) HM ei = val this is part of my code: ...
[2 replies] Last: 1) random requires a range as parameter 2) You declare a double r ... (by YokoTsuno)
C++ Sleep function. Help!
What is wrong with this? int gamespeed = 100; Sleep(gamespeed); I launch the code and it doesn't seem to work?
[2 replies] Last: (by anup30)
sizeof int ,
hello i want to know that if check the size of int in turbo c++ then its show 2 bytes and if check the size of int in code block then it show the 4 bytes an...
[16 replies] Last: Once again: ONLY chars do not change. Any other type may have any othe... (by S G H)
Memory usage of a C++ program with CLASS and without CLASS
Hi all, I developing a C++ Program to deal with huge data computation. I am using Pointers to hold the data during computation. Current program i developed w...
[1 reply] : Classes themselves do not use any more or less memory than not using c... (by Disch)
About float
Hello everyone! I have this problem: float a = 2; a = sqrt(a); a = a * a; after the program finished, a = 1.999999, how can I correct this value because I ...
[2 replies] Last: The square root of 2 is not a valid float; it lies between two floats,... (by Cubbi)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 32
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