General C++ Programming - November 2014 (Page 25)

by lzhr2x
C++ group of struct
Hello All, I have a C# code using "Interface" for including behavior from multiple sources in a struct. I need to convert the code to C++, is any similar to ...
[2 replies] Last: main.cpp #include "INTFC.h" int main() { INTFC* value; //value = ... (by booradley60)
Working with DLLs
Hi, I am creating a basic program to use DLLs, but it isn't quite working properly and i'm not sure why. If anyone could help that would be great! Here...
[no replies]
Random number array (sum, reverse, search)
hey guys, I have an assignment that asks for an array of 8 random numbers from 60-100 then it asks for the user to input an option A=sum R=reverse and S=find ...
[8 replies] Last: @eediott Well to reverse the array use the .length(), function from t... (by InfinityCounter)
Working with Static Libraries
Hi, I am trying to create some basic Static Libraries in Visual Studio 2010, but I am having some trouble. If someone could help me that would be great. T...
[no replies]
How to return 0 in this function?
double MeasureCornerAngle(int nCoord,const double coord ,int index) { if (index < 1 || index > nCoord*2-2) { return 0.0; } else {...
[1 reply] : Well this can be simply solved in several ways. the value 0.0 is the ... (by InfinityCounter)
C++ OpenMP emergency
Hi, I have an emergency as I have to submit a C++ code using OpenMP for the multithreaded part by sunday! Description of task: Via command line argum...
[1 reply] : Here's the whole code, but the relevant part is after mode=1 and mode=... (by mgreutm)
by ap117
C++ Homework help regarding tic tac toe game.
I need to fill in the int main() portion of the following code where the first move is randomly chosen (computer or player) and then the game is played. Given:...
[1 reply] : Lines 8-10: Why are you declaring an empty main here? Lines 105,1... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Musica
make a default constructor having other class member objects
class Date Date(int=1, int=1, int=1990); class Person Person(string="", string="", Date=NULL); class RealEstateAgent:Public Person RealEstateAgent...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, got it. thank you!!! (by Musica)
Stuck on c++ Homework
Hey I have a homework assignment that seemed to be going well but then i got stuck. Here is the assignment WProgram Description: Write a program to generate ...
[2 replies] Last: There's an awful lot of benefit in taking time to format your code. . ... (by PCrumley48)
What sets C++ apart from other languages, technically speaking?
Hi there. I've been programming with C++ for almost two years now, and I'd consider myself quite fluent in it, even if I still have tonnes more to learn. I've a...
[3 replies] Last: (by JLBorges)
by Mduh
Cpp Help please
Hi i am doing a project using opencv and visual studio 2012 and i have written all the code in C++ now i need to create a gui to use this code the code that run...
[1 reply] : a gui to use this code the code that runs on a console ???... (by kbw)
Ok guys, this program runs and compiles. As long as you don't try to go backwards on the menu. I have been searching for 2 hours trying to figure out how to fi...
[2 replies] Last: Sounds good, I will give it a try, THANK YOU!! (by JKirn05)
Need help distance.
Hi everyone, i am trying to find the distance of 3 dimensional bodies. I am able to find the two bodies furthest from each other, but i cannot find the bodies c...
[1 reply] : There are special cases whenever l is equal to q. In those cases, your... (by Albatross)
Hangman Game High Scores
Im trying to do a hangman game and enter high scores. Here's my code I just need help getting started on making a way to enter the best scores of the game #i...
[5 replies] Last: I don't know how you want it to be scored , say maybe like a time limi... (by rjvc)
c++ HELP!!!!
help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to calculate the area of a triangle using heron's formula. i wrote the code below and i need to modify it so that a user is required t...
[1 reply] : // triangle area by herons formula #include <iostream> #include <cmat... (by anup30)
Pass values by reference
I built a program that finds the average amount of days missed per employee. I am now attempting to modify my program to pass values by reference rather than pa...
[1 reply] : numOfDays() changes the value of its formal parameter, but the caller ... (by helios)
How can I make the program read more lines on the .txt document?
how could this program tell the ID's and Passwords of more than one line in the text document? # include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> # include <stdlib.h> ...
[2 replies] Last: There should be many posts already on that. (by lordseanington)
Need homework help
I'm pretty new to programming in C++, and I need help with this lab for school. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great! Here i...
[3 replies] Last: ty keskiverto using getline solved my problem I had. Also OP what did ... (by waketech123)
Initializing via Constructor vs. some other function
Hey all I wanted to get your some of your opinions on this. Let's say for example you're writing a framework for something(it doesn't matter what). Do you think...
[3 replies] Last: I should of been more specific in that example, constructing the class... (by Renthalkx97)
by cn2105
Binary Search Tree Help
For class we have to create a program that prints a binary tree in vertical, horizontal, and symmetrically based on the given inorder and postorder sequence. F...
[1 reply] : Printing exactly how you've represented it would be hard because line ... (by dhayden)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 32
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