General C++ Programming - November 2014 (Page 20)

by Ndrewm
Structures function help wanted
Ok so i got this assignment to complete but i need help ive started the login function but it does not run can some help mi out to see where i'm goin wrong befo...
[no replies]
I need help to fix this error. I've been googled how to fix this error but almost is hard to understand. This is the code. I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 201...
[1 reply] : You should list the full errors. My guess is you're not linking the ne... (by knn9)
URGENT Help needed on basic C++
Hi, I have a base class called ' Shape ' and 3 sub classes namely 'Square' , 'Rectangle' , 'Cross'. I have problem creating my shapes object. Shape *array...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, i do have getName() in my shape. All i need to know now is how co... (by explorearound)
Can I make OSX apps with c++?
I have been programming for about a year now and I have jumped around a lot of languages trying to find what is best suited for me. I really liked python but I ...
[1 reply] : If you're going to use the GUI (which is the point of using a Mac), th... (by kbw)
virtual destructor doubt
Hi guys please explain me the output of the below program....... any reply is appreciated /* #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespa...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah man you are right ........... i have checked it thanks for your ... (by Richard36)
TAB function does not work
Hello Cplusplus, I am working on a project and a problem has accrued. The TAB function does not work in the program (MDI windows). I got no errors when comp...
[no replies]
How to get windows 7 folders Icon/Thumbnails?
I want to make the following Bar C++ using Qt ? I need virtual folder icons.As you can see Pictures,Pdfs and Pdfs folders.Some images of them are showing in fo...
[1 reply] : You need to set icons to either file type ( (by MiiNiPaa)
by Dasari
Copy Assignment operator method calling
any one can explain how the operator overloaded methods called in C++? Class String { int len; char *str; public: String(const char *str1="") { len=st...
[1 reply] : int main() { String obj1="Hello"; //calls String::String(const ch... (by MiiNiPaa)
by dkaip
infix to latex
Is any code from infix or postfix to latex conversion? For example ... (x+y)/y*sqrt(x) is in latex $\frac{y+x}{y}\sqrt{x} $
[no replies]
by dkaip
math function convert to pieces ..
If i have x^2+5^(3y+1)-e^x^-1 must have in stack ...for example if i have a calculator like HP48 x 2 ^ 5 3 y * 1 + ^ + e x -1 ^ ^ - There i...
[3 replies] Last: I did not speak english. Only ancient Greek.... sorry.. Thank's for re... (by dkaip)
Nqueens Problem!!! (1,2,3)
This assignment is done. All of suggestions and explaination are given in the comment. This is the main function!! /*******************Programming Assig...
[42 replies] Last: @CRDiab, there are two(+) method, one recursive other back tracking, b... (by anup30)
Replace x with a string containing int variables
Hi guys, I've got another question again. I have this problem: Example, i have an equation which is read from a .txt file. x^2 + 5*(x + 3) - 10 then, lets ...
[no replies]
HELP me in understanding RECURSION plsss
Hey guys I am lost in it escapes calling itself here: void Inorder(Node *root) { if(root == NULL) return; Inorder(root->left); ...
[1 reply] : The base case is on line 2. (by LB)
need help with some code
i have three things wrong with this code and cannot figure it out. A hint would be nice. Thanks 1) i need to display the grade inside the summary beside the re...
[1 reply] : int dg was unused and determine_grade will always return true (by jasonwynn10)
by daa17c
Implement Complx Class
So I am new to this so please forgive my ignorance. My instructor does not follow any textbook and the lessons are not even directly related to the assignments/...
[no replies]
Finding the lowest leftmost node in BST
Hello ... I dont know why I cannot get the lowest leftmost node in BST: segment fault goToLeaf=root; //now traversing right subtree from root node else if(st...
[2 replies] Last: what should I do? I need to find min value of the right subtree (by csstudent123)
by mehjwu
arithmetic operators overloading for class with pointer
I am stucked in a problem of overloading arithmetic operators such as "+,*" for a class in the form class Point { int N; // dimension of the point ...
[3 replies] Last: Your code assumes that N is the same for both points. (by dhayden)
Trouble With Loops
Hello, I am currently working on a c++ project that will input students and process their grades. I encountered a problem and my code stops executing after the ...
[6 replies] Last: What I ended up doing was getting rid of the first while loop in the g... (by pgagl623)
more than 1 return value per sub program?
Is it possible to have more than 1 return value from a subprogram? Please explain why cant find answer anywhere : s
[5 replies] Last: I assumed OP did not mean invoking other processes because usually the... (by LB)
trouble with user defined namespace
Hey I have a problem with my homework assignment Program Description: Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. ...
[1 reply] : Well turns out I had my } miss placed so my main was inside my namespa... (by waketech123)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 32
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