General C++ Programming - November 2014 (Page 16)

GLEW Problems.
Hello! Im using SFML with GLEW. But when i try to compile my app, build log show fast-moving text for a couple of seconds, and then throws this error: C:\SFML-2...
[2 replies] Last: Im linking a static lib, and #define GLEW_STATIC and SFML_STATIC (by hakeris1010)
a program about class
how i solve this Implement a class library that will hold information cards and loans ( whom you borrowed a book ) . Loans may be made by registered persons ...
[no replies]
Linear Linked List traversal broken
I'm attempting to insert items in my list in sorted order. I have accounted for if head is NULL, and if the item I'm trying to insert is less than head. But the...
[2 replies] Last: Sometimes I just need someone to point out the obvious. THANK YOU! I t... (by ATCraiger)
Safe Recurison?
Ok so I have a function call that moves an Entity from one vector to another, and if one doesn't exist then it creates one and moves it: std::vector<std::...
[3 replies] Last: > thus needing to go back over and search the entitypool again you ins... (by ne555)
Messaging Program help
Hello, I am interested in making a Program that's capable of sending messages across the country. I know there are many programs that do this, but I would reall...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, will do! (by NSharbz)
Namespace VS class instance
Ok so I'm making an ECS model... was just thinking about the Managers, obviously you'll have an EntityManager and a SystemManager, but your only going to have 1...
[3 replies] Last: OK, now how will you use them? It sounds like you're making some kind ... (by LB)
Traversing a Binary Search Tree
I am working on this binary search tree, and I am having trouble understanding/coding how I can use the iterator class my partner and I made. begin() is suppose...
[2 replies] Last: A BST tree could have a typical iterator ( one with ++ and -- ) if... (by Lowest0ne)
Another Issue with a 2D Array!
Hello! I am currently working on a problem where I read a file into a 2D array, and display data. If you saw my code earlier, this is the same problem, but I am...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your help both times I have posted. I appreciate it! (by Jaydelay)
AVL Tree deletion issues
I've got a working insert that performs rotations correctly, however, when I remove nodes, rotations are occurring but they aren't re-balancing the tree. I was ...
[no replies]
substr throwing out of range, even if par set to 0
Good morning all. Anyway, the code I have is in a class so it too long to past here, so I will have to explain. I am writing a hotel reservation system, as such...
[5 replies] Last: $ g++ -ggdb -Wall -W... (by ne555)
Basic question about vector.
This is the question: #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<vector> using namespace std; void fn(vector<vector<int> > &v){ for (int i = 0...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks wildblue, I understand it now :) (by lethien204)
Can't create new classes correctly..
I'm getting error messages when i try to create a new class in a project in codeblocks. I'm doing it as I write this, project name "example" (unnecessary info)....
[no replies]
converting JPEG Grayscale to DIB using libjpeg in C++
Problem in converting Jpeg to DIB, Iam using the same code for Jpeg RGB(Jpeg_color_space=JCS_RGB) and Grayscale Images(JCS_GRAYSCALE). this code works correctly...
[1 reply] : some one please help me to find where the issue occurs. Thanks. (by gopikanna)
pointer to characters...
Take for example the following char* p=new char //give mem address of size 5 * size char to p strcpy (p, "Hi"); cout<<p<<endl; gives Hi How come co...
[2 replies] Last: thanks! (by csstudent123)
problem with pointers in structures
Hello Friends, I have some problem with pointers in structures can some help me with function void addEdge(myNode *nodes, int start, int end). My target is t...
[4 replies] Last: Hello dhayden, Thanks for reply. My task is to construct a directe... (by venpo045)
How to Read a File into a 2D Array?
I am new to C++, and new to programming altogether. I'm finishing up my first semester as a Computer Science major, but I'm struggling with programming. I ne...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! I'm sorry for my inexperience and lack of common sense. You... (by Jaydelay)
Assistance with this code
I am simply trying to read information from a text file. I have created a text file already with the name inData.txt. Here is what I have in my text file: 10...
[5 replies] Last: Bravo my friend! Thanks a ton for that advice. I can't believe I didn'... (by Captaincjm)
Can't delete tree node
Hello it seems that I can't delete a node without children, and I have no idea why . Can you please help me ? #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 1 typedef struct ...
[8 replies] Last: you can't use references because C doesn't have them. Since this is... (by dhayden)
by Salad7
So where do i learn about windows.h
Im comfortable enough with c++ to go deeper, my question is i want to begin learning about windows.h and youtube series are awesome, if they didn't skip some de...
[1 reply] : I think a great place to start is here: (by geniusberry)
How to set auto start parameters for program
Right now I am trying to make an alarm clock type program that will start on login and will go off when a certain time is reached. I also want to set a password...
[1 reply] : You forgot to ask a question. (by LB)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 32
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