General C++ Programming - November 2012 (Page 48)

When it debug....
Hello people Just curious 1.write the c++ language 2. Press ctrl+f5 3 <-----------------------at this point which program...
[1 reply] : The preprocessor, then the compiler, then the linker. (by LB)
SFML Window scopes?
Hello, so I tried to write SFML programs with multiple files and when I use a window defined elsewhere it cannot find it. Is their some way of creating Global w...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks. I never though of just using classes and references. (by Pickle Gunner)
Write a C++ Function void sort3(void) which prompts the user to enter three integers, a,b,c and outputs their values in ascending order according to the followi...
[no replies]
by Alt05
C++ Functions II help
Hey guys, the functions section is really giving me hell and I need some help with this code for a math tutor program. So far this is my code: #include <ios...
[no replies]
How would i implent this into the BattlePhase part of the program?
I tried to implement this into both my monster and battlephase but i could not figure out how to do it, class Moves { public: string GetType() { return Ty...
[2 replies] Last: im trying to implent moves into the battlephase (which i cant figure o... (by brandonator)
by BandK
C++ Date...Question
How to make program that user write dates and program display all dates after 21.12.2012.
[3 replies] Last: Example of my problem.... I use linked list struct list{ char name... (by BandK)
creating an inheritance hierarchy that a bank might use to represent customers'bank account
//BankingSystem.cpp #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Account { private: public: Account();//default constructor ...
[12 replies] Last: hi darkestfright, thank you for taking your time to reply me. l do hav... (by noranata)
by odlumb
Given HWND of a SysListView32, how do I get contents?
Years ago I knew some of this stuff, I've been away from it too log, apologies in advance for being so stupid... Environment: Windows 7 x64, VS 2010 .NET ...
[no replies]
How do you insert void IO() code into the five different functions to make the menu work 1) Write a C++ Function float period(float length,float g) which ret...
[no replies]
Vector iterator not incrementable
I'm trying to get elements from a vector to get deleted once they hit a certain range. .lib file void Engine::DestroyObject(const std::string name) { ...
[7 replies] Last: Alright thanks, it works. (by Callum5042)
bisection and secant method
i am needing to implement the bisection and the secant method of solving for the roots of multiple equations and i am struggling on how to do it. here is what i...
[no replies]
Is this coding write Please check for me
I need help big Time I am having trouble trying to do this assignment Write a C++ function void triplets(void) which computes and outputs the pythagorean tripl...
[1 reply] : Put your code in code blocks with proper indentations. Tell us what pr... (by nano511)
Problem getting the constructor to work
When I try to get this to work, it keeps saying vectorA was not declared in this scope? #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h> #inc...
[1 reply] : You should be declaring member variables outside of any functions. Usu... (by nano511)
SFML View Problem
I want the Camera to stop when the camera hits the edges of the map. Here is the code i have to stop it. void UpdateGame() { objectManager.Update(mainWin...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! And if its not too much trouble could you tell me if you se... (by nano511)
Code works excep for menu please help
My Whole Code works but Im having trouble with my int main Options menu can some please check that for me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?? #include <iost...
[no replies]
Problem with ifstream and stack usage
Currently, I'm trying to use the following piece of code to open a file for reading and then closing it. The file name would be dof(in the first line). In the p...
[5 replies] Last: I took the screenshot. DON'T EVER copy my homework assignment here a... (by ric2k1)
by noo1
using an inline function to calcualte stock value
I am soooo lost. Please help me. I have to write a program which uses an inline function calculateStockValue. the function takes two parameters - one is a numbe...
[3 replies] Last: Somehow or another, my source file wasn't part of the project. So I a... (by noo1)
fstream doesn't detect eof
New to Visual C++ 2010 Express but not to C++ programming. I am trying to learn fstream coding. I want to convert a program from Visual C++ 6 where I used MFC ...
[1 reply] : why it does not recognize the eof because the end of file was not re... (by Cubbi)
Need help
i need help guys !! i want to rotate an array 1 dimension (unidimensionnel) to 90 degree void RotateImg90(int aToCompareReduced , int &cRowRef, int &cColRe...
[12 replies] Last: Show me what you got so far (by ResidentBiscuit)
I'm not sure if this is right
I need some big time help with this Code please help? Write a recursive C++ Function unsigned long trib(int n) which returns the nth (1=<n=<38) tribonacci acco...
[1 reply] : tribonacci is it the name of some mathematicion?:) unsigned long tri... (by vlad from moscow)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 464748495051
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