by jlillie89
Finding then deleting
[6 replies] Last: I GOT IT! Always something stupid. Thank you for the help with the wh... (by jlillie89)
Class type redefinition error |
[3 replies] Last: So thanks to cire I found that in my auto.h file I had made a declarat... (by wafflestheraccoon)
by tambun
C needed
[1 reply] : You declared discount to be a local variable at line 46. The local... (by AbstractionAnon)
by phymafia123
C++:Simple program using 2d arrays?
[1 reply] : In your "else", it should be whichWord++; wordIndex = 0; and not ... (by toum)
by Pter0dactyl
creating hidden console application
[5 replies] Last: thank u all for the help. (by Pter0dactyl)
by Jeff Sun
Arrays/Dynamic Memory Program
[1 reply] : In your function parameters, drop the numElements part, and just have ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by CodeMonkey05
Not sure how to Proceed...
[1 reply] : How do I read the integers into the file This makes no sense, are a... (by SamuelAdams)
by DJLad16
C++ Joke I made
[4 replies] Last: Just realised I forgot the second curly brace for main() (by DJLad16)
by datahogg
nested structures
[4 replies] Last: Thanks (by datahogg)
ifstream and getline |
[1 reply] : replace readfriends.getline() >> name; with getline( readfri... (by TTT)
by jorgen
Does ctrl-c clear variables?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! The second reply in the stack overflow thread sounds reassu... (by jorgen)
by brandonator
Need help retrieving data from moves.
[15 replies] Last: You're not using them because, well, you're not using them. You initi... (by MikeyBoy)
Adding another loop for this code? |
[2 replies] Last: Thnk you (by closed account y05iz8AR)
by charlie1985
Problems after using the NTL library
[no replies]
by imakaia
How can a CGI C++ Server-api on Apache receive data from an HttpServer and reply?
[no replies]
by cech
C++ Two Dimensional Prime Numbers
[1 reply] : (by R0mai)
Problems with some old C++ coding ive found. |
[4 replies] Last: What is that if there for anyway? It does nothing. Get rid of it. L... (by Moschops)
by jrfrago
Passing Parameters To Function Called By Start Thread
[3 replies] Last: Take a look at boost: (by coder777)
by shuber
c++0x compiler support
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, that works. I got a code from a colleague, which was simil... (by shuber)
by jlillie89
[4 replies] Last: Your compiler error is telling you exactly what's wrong. On line 62, ... (by MikeyBoy)