General C++ Programming - November 2012 (Page 19)

Finding then deleting
Hi; Trying to find a phone number if found I want to delete it. It works until it gets to the searching part of the operation. I was getting jibberish phone nu...
[6 replies] Last: I GOT IT! Always something stupid. Thank you for the help with the wh... (by jlillie89)
Class type redefinition error
I am currently working on a lab and I have been trouble shooting a class type redefinition error with no luck. 1>c:\users\...\desktop\lab11\lab11\vans.h(1...
[3 replies] Last: So thanks to cire I found that in my auto.h file I had made a declarat... (by wafflestheraccoon)
by tambun
C needed
hey guys.. i want to show you my coding...i've got this error on line 63.. the error said that my called object is not a fucntion... can you guys help me ou...
[1 reply] : You declared discount to be a local variable at line 46. The local... (by AbstractionAnon)
C++:Simple program using 2d arrays?
[1 reply] : In your "else", it should be whichWord++; wordIndex = 0; and not ... (by toum)
creating hidden console application
Is there a way to create a console application which is not visible on the normal desktop as well as on task bar.I want to create an application which runs just...
[5 replies] Last: thank u all for the help. (by Pter0dactyl)
Arrays/Dynamic Memory Program
Here my code: // headers etc #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void count(int array , int numElements, int numEven...
[1 reply] : In your function parameters, drop the numElements part, and just have ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Not sure how to Proceed...
I have to do this last part for my assignment: Create a for loop that takes in the user's input. Create a for loop that reads integer values off of a file name...
[1 reply] : How do I read the integers into the file This makes no sense, are a... (by SamuelAdams)
C++ Joke I made
Just a little joke I made of after looking at c++ jokes (sad life)
[4 replies] Last: Just realised I forgot the second curly brace for main() (by DJLad16)
nested structures
How do I access struct s3 from main(). Thanks H. Hampton struct s1 { int a; int b; int c; void f1(int*); struct s3 { double arch...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks (by datahogg)
ifstream and getline
The "name" field is a first and last name. I'd like to not have to concatenate strings to get them into one variable. How do you use ifstream and getline to do ...
[1 reply] : replace readfriends.getline() >> name; with getline( readfri... (by TTT)
by jorgen
Does ctrl-c clear variables?
I could not find the answer to this anywhere: Some variables need to be cleared (or something similar); dynamic arrays declared with new must be delete ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! The second reply in the stack overflow thread sounds reassu... (by jorgen)
Need help retrieving data from moves.
my current program runs but does not work properly, rather than retrieving the values in each move itself, it instead retrieves its location, i'm just trying to...
[15 replies] Last: You're not using them because, well, you're not using them. You initi... (by MikeyBoy)
Adding another loop for this code?
Hey guys I just wont to know how add the number of attempts that the user has tried to enter the username and password.So if the user enters a wrong username an...
[2 replies] Last: Thnk you (by closed account y05iz8AR)
Problems after using the NTL library
Hello, everyone! I'm using the NTL library to simulate an attack on the GGH cryptosystem with LLL lattice reduction. My code was running well, but suddenly I go...
[no replies]
How can a CGI C++ Server-api on Apache receive data from an HttpServer and reply?
I want my CGI C++ Server api (on Apache) to be able to receive data (strings) from an HttpServer (a website) and also reply back data (string Array) to the Http...
[no replies]
by cech
C++ Two Dimensional Prime Numbers
Hey guys Can someone help me with creating a two dimensional prime numbers I need to make a prime numbers with 100 colums and 200 rows so the program wil...
[1 reply] : (by R0mai)
Problems with some old C++ coding ive found.
Ive found some old C++ project that my son did in his course for college from a few years back, and having previously enjoyed doing programming, i decided to tr...
[4 replies] Last: What is that if there for anyway? It does nothing. Get rid of it. L... (by Moschops)
Passing Parameters To Function Called By Start Thread
I have a function uci() it works when it is initiated in a thread with the following commmand: Thread^ newThread = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart(&uci))...
[3 replies] Last: Take a look at boost: (by coder777)
by shuber
c++0x compiler support
Hello, I am trying to get rvalue references running, but it seems that it does only work with gcc version 4.4. Is this a known feature or am I doing something ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, that works. I got a code from a colleague, which was simil... (by shuber)
I need a little help. I'm trying to input some info from a file I this is the first time using structures. I made an array to hold my info. I keep getting an er...
[4 replies] Last: Your compiler error is telling you exactly what's wrong. On line 62, ... (by MikeyBoy)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 51
  Archived months: [oct2012] [dec2012]

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