General C++ Programming - May 2024

by Cplusc
Inconsistent Results with Different Methods
I’m facing an issue in a C++ project where two different methods for computing the same values are giving inconsistent results, despite both using the same in...
[16 replies] Last: Hi Cplusc, I hope all is well at your end :+) Sorry for an even late... (by TheIdeasMan)
Hello everybody, long time no post. My posts have been sporadic at best lately, but hopefully, this one will gain some traction and be helpful to many who find ...
[18 replies] Last: Not that it really matters your link lists different authors for the ... (by seeplus)
Why are there multiple multithreading frameworks?
In my learning, I've come across several multi-threading frameworks. I know the language didn't officially provide thread support until C++11 and that some thre...
[8 replies] Last: PS. There's also: Intel Threading Building Blocks (by seeplus)
by helios
About full-duplex sockets
Sockets are supposed to be full-duplex, right? So the endpoints should be able to send and receive literally at the same time. But how do you handle that at the...
[1 reply] : I'm not even sure what API you are using here 🤔 But, if we are tal... (by kigar64551)
  Archived months: [apr2024] [jun2024]

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