When should I pass by reference? |
[4 replies] Last: Furry Guy, if all you do inside the function is to read owned object y... (by malibor)
by marhuum
Compile time decision whether a pointer type is NULL or no
[2 replies] Last: You can use the standard type trait std::is_null_pointer: https://en.c... (by TheToaster)
Increment and Decrement Operator Overloding |
[1 reply] : Your increment and decrement ops are supposed to modify the 'this' obj... (by dutch)
by misnelstain5
Codelite Debugger Issue
[2 replies] Last: there's Settings -> GDB setting -> Debugger Path in image: https://m... (by marhuum)
How can I configure CGAL with CMake? |
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, your OS is Windows, some installation procedure differs from Li... (by Mitsuru)
by berdan1269
C ++ homework help
[9 replies] Last: I don't know what you're apologizing for, we're just saying to be more... (by Ganado)
by Vycues
I haven't used C++ Templates and I am getting multiple syntax errors (1,2)
[30 replies] Last: I see. I fixed the fill function as you suggested and it works. Thanks... (by Vycues)
by frek
Rule of Zero
[7 replies] Last: IMHO, the 0/3/5/6/? is just one, unambiguous rule: Do what you have to... (by jonnin)
by fewdiefie
contructor vs inline initialization
[2 replies] Last: as Core Guidelines put it, C.48: Prefer in-class initializers to membe... (by Cubbi)
by marhuum
C++ coding quiz
[1 reply] : https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/max_element/ (by salem c)
by lablnet
Why do we need dynamic memory allocation in C++?
[6 replies] Last: Another point to consider: data* return_data() { data d; ret... (by TheToaster)
cppdb link errors
[4 replies] Last: Glad you got it working. In general, there's really no guarantee that ... (by Ganado)
by QueenJJ
Range based for loop
[5 replies] Last: When using range based for loops, you are working with the actual valu... (by doug4)
by rxpantsu
&& not working as expected
[1 reply] : However the loop is exiting if only one condition is met. Thats wh... (by TheToaster)
by fewdiefie
std::allocator implementation
[3 replies] Last: forgot Microsoft's: https://github.com/microsoft/STL/blob/master/stl/i... (by Cubbi)
by QueenJJ
[2 replies] Last: Maybe this? using type = decltype(std::pair<int, int>()); using ft... (by malibor)
by TheToaster
[7 replies] Last: Well, in the particular case of futures/promises, there's the implemen... (by helios)
How do I get my won/loss/tie counter to work? |
[2 replies] Last: Thank you (by Programmingaddict)
by RicoJ
Wrong std::reference_wrapper to reference assignment?
[11 replies] Last: That's what I get for not reading things properly. I would still not a... (by helios)
by Dioxazine
One more line of code I need to make it work
[3 replies] Last: I think your original code is preferable. 4 is not a multiple of 0, so... (by dhayden)