by arnoldb4711
Need Preprocessor macro
[5 replies] Last: ...and in C++17, you should be using filesystem::path for this kind of... (by Duthomhas)
by johnsonj1585
2D Array Puzzle
[5 replies] Last: Lines 23, 42, & 63: You've defined scores 3 times with 2 different t... (by dhayden)
by XTC1977
Code applies wrong value in certain situations
[5 replies] Last: A 0 speed value is a valid value and seems to be part of the cause he... (by dhayden)
by YeetParadox
Poker StraightFlush and FourofaKind
[10 replies] Last: You don't need to sort to check for a flush. Just check if all cards h... (by dhayden)
by Joseph118
Sub-Namespaces for organizing features: Yes or No?
[9 replies] Last: Documenting dependencies. That is something I hadn't considered. Tha... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by cpeepee
Help with HashMap / typename declarations
[1 reply] : The compiler doesn't know that std::list<std::pair<key_type, mapped_t... (by Peter87)
by NiharRNanda
Unary Opeartions Inside Ternary Operator
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everybody for your explanations,I got it . ne555 thx for usi... (by NiharRNanda)
by slei
Working with ptr to items in containers, thoughts?
[5 replies] Last: By reading it, this would mean it is actually safe, and wouldn't inva... (by mbozzi)
by zaahm18
Matrix and vector multiplication in different classes
[4 replies] Last: The real problem is the manipulation of matrix and vector in vector cl... (by zaahm18)
by whitenite1
Comparing 2 literal strings
[4 replies] Last: @JLBorges Thank you for your answer. I did forget to put in the '== 0... (by whitenite1)
by Ryan15
Is there another way to stop this do while loop mid-loop?
[7 replies] Last: I thought it was about the actual result of multiply and not just what... (by Ganado)
by Ojies
Input loop always does first option
[4 replies] Last: Shouldn't the syntax be something like this in your 'if' statements ?... (by kavala)