General C++ Programming - May 2019 (Page 5)

Vector of user-defined types
I'm fairly new to C++ and I'm currently in the process of learning it. I'm writing a text adventure game (using Visual Studio 2019) where the user types in what...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you, everyone, for all your help! (by closed account S1URSL3A)
I need to do a c++ program fo school
It is intended that it builds a program that allows the management of reservations of a show room with registration of event name, date, time, duration and cus...
[3 replies] Last: It looks like this is mostly using C strings. I'll assume that's requ... (by dhayden)
Will the outcomes be corresponding in this random behaviour tree?
Hello, Here are the key parts of two behaviour tree with random outcomes. Not seen in the code i should specify, the trees are in the same method. All other co...
[3 replies] Last: found a way const char *activities = { "Pencil and paper (by closed account 367kGNh0)
C++ number genarator
Trying to create a simple battle menu game with a random number genarator from 1-10 for the extra hit points. but when i have tried to combined the users comman...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for the help! (by BattleCrazy99)
by Ryan15
Guessing number project.
The project works fine with small increment but it exits immediately when guessing from 45 to a large number like 900. why does it do that? #include "pc...
[1 reply] : Your code has a logical error in it. If the number input is ever less... (by Repeater)
by montra
many infinit loop
I want to have three infinit loop in my program (c++ lang) . is it possible or impossible ??? I use this code for creat infinit loop and I want use three infini...
[11 replies] Last: Solve it . Thank you for all . Have good time (by montra)
Python Exception <class 'ValueError'>
When I run my program, I get a segmentation fault. When I run the gdb debugger, it gives me this error: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation Fault; ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you @coder777. One of the errors that drives me the craziest is ... (by vaderboi)
Conversion table with menu and sub menu
I'm having trouble making this work. I'm taking a class and I don't get how to do this. I've done the reading but, it's an online class and the teacher isn't ve...
[19 replies] Last: @devinEleven This slight change in mainMenu(), will ask user if they ... (by whitenite1)
by aka13
error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'DesFireCard_Authenticate'
hello , please can you help me to resolve this problem : c:\users\pc\downloads\sdk-k531\grfid\sdk-k531\springprox_api\samples\c\reference\interdesf\sprox_desfi...
[4 replies] Last: same errors (by aka13)
by dubsdj
confused why the sqlite step does not execute
Can anyone help, I am trying to execute a statement in the function completeChallenge however for some reason the statement never executes. No error happens at ...
[1 reply] : I figured it out. I hadn't closed the existing connection before tryin... (by dubsdj)
by montra
Control Hardware
hi every user I want to control hardware port in C++ . For more explain: program first detect and identify all hardware in computer system then check this step ...
[6 replies] Last: Send my plan to pv with topic (Feed back for you answer) (by montra)
by montra
require process
Hi I want programming require process. First check specific process is run or no then run code ; for other hands when run program (with c++ lang) this program...
[2 replies] Last: Good answer . thank you very much (by montra)
C++ Maze
hello so i am trying to do this Please HELP!!!!! ---------------------------------- There are four positions to examine: up (x, y-1) left (x-1, y) ...
[1 reply] : No one has answered in part because what you are doing seems a little ... (by Duthomhas)
by hewell
Hybrid password
Hello guys password in my code must escape the hacker.I tried to do something with swap but I couldn't make the loop.Could you help please #include <stdio.h>...
[2 replies] Last: the letters will escape to the farthest values ​​with ascii code.... (by hewell)
[8 replies] Last: Who on earth could have predicted that would happen? Well, I did not ... (by MikeStgt)
File Handling
Hello i needed help regarding to file handling.. Is there any method that i could overwrite the file with some additional text... For example i have an imag...
[1 reply] : if its just text, ifstream infile("name"); ofstream outfile("otherna... (by jonnin)
Visual studio Error help
On visual studio, I keep on getting a error for the "void convert" part of my code, i have changed it a couple of other times and I just keep getting the same e...
[4 replies] Last: BattleCrazy, in case you missed the detail from previous posts, after ... (by Niccolo)
by a10e29
header guards and #pragma once
hi, Is it necessary to use both header guards and #pragma once sometimes? I ask because I now have a class that explodes without #pragma once even though I hav...
[5 replies] Last: You've also discovered why #pragma once was "invented" (by Niccolo)
i have little problem with gauss elemination and vector:
Hello, I have a little problem with the Gauss elimination: this is my main.cpp file where i was tasked to make a static class fucntion in order to call to co...
[2 replies] Last: ok (by zaahm18)
XML parser
Hello!I have been given the task to implement an XML parser from an .xml file using only object-oriented programming with c++.Problem is ,this is the first eve...
[6 replies] Last: I think you should FOR THE TIME BEING ignore the id field. To get sta... (by doug4)
May 2019 Pages: 1... 34567
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