General C++ Programming - May 2017 (Page 10)

Is this right?
Here's what I'm supposed to do: "Your program should use the following one-dimensional arrays. empId: An array of long integers to hold employee identificatio...
[2 replies] Last: @ imastruggler Please don't double post, it ultimately a time waster... (by TheIdeasMan)
by erik85
Problem Executing "FOR" Batch Command Via system()
Hello everyone, I am having a problem adding a, much disapproved of, system() line into my c++ program. I have the following: #include <stdlib.h> i...
[3 replies] Last: @doug4 that worked sir! Thank you so much for your speedy response. I... (by erik85)
constructor initializer list does not work when using braces {}
Hi, I have the following code which compiles with errors in Visual Studio 2015 update 3: namespace Iterator_invalidation { template<ty...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Cubbi!! (by JUAN DENT)
by Kalcor
Struct overheads?
I just heard from our teacher that accessing struct members has a useless overload and that it's caused by something called overhead. If someone knows what are ...
[7 replies] Last: I was thinking the other direction, forcing everything to the same wid... (by jonnin)
by Kalcor
Lucky numbers 4s and 7s
Petya loves lucky numbers. We all know that lucky numbers are the positive integers whose decimal representations contain only the lucky digits 4 and 7. For ex...
[1 reply] : Here's what the code is doing. First of all, the smallest number that... (by doug4)
bind function with return value
I am studying thread-pool with asynchronous I/O. Now, I tried to bind a function with return value. However, it failed. Can anyone please help (the code which s...
[5 replies] Last: In the capture list, "this" is used because subFun is a member functi... (by Cubbi)
<< operator creation
Hi everyone, I've been searching online for days on how to create a << operator for my assignment. Whatever I found online doesn't seem to work for the assignme...
[15 replies] Last: I don't really have a good sense of what your grammar is, so it's hard... (by AbstractionAnon)
How to find out how long a function takes to implement
I have written 4 different algorithms that implement the same mathematical functional in different ways, the first is supposed to be slowest as it uses multiple...
[4 replies] Last: The C++ compiler (both microsoft and clang++) is the same in all editi... (by JLBorges)
PPP2 Chapter 13 Drill (1,2)
I've just started on the Chapter 13 Drill. Here are the specifications: 1. Make an 800-by-1000 Simple_window. 2. Put an 8-by-8 grid on the leftmost 800-by-80...
[24 replies] Last: Why would I talking about your demo? I'm talking about my own code, o... (by DragonOsman)
ShellExecuteA dint run properly
Hi guys,i building a programming related to open other .exe files through visual studio c++. When i debug it, it is successfully build, but the problem is the ....
[4 replies] Last: Hi, i already solve the thing that i want by using system(), thank for... (by tony chiam)
Hi, quick question. How do you output its location? Like row 1 column 2. It's a 5 x 5 grid, random numbers from 1 - 10, user asked for what number they're searc...
[3 replies] Last: Awesome thanks Jonnin! (by RevvedUp)
Need assistance with connect 4 game?
I need to create a win condition for my connect 4 game but have realised that there's a tonne of ways to win connect 4 and have no idea how to create an algorit...
[10 replies] Last: I didn't get to work on that tonight but thought I'd share with you wh... (by SamuelAdams)
Chapter 13 Exercise 1 - Can't Use Arc Class After Defining It
I have a problem with my implementation of class Arc for Chapter 13 Exercise 1. The book says to define it as class Arc , but there's another instance of so...
[2 replies] Last: Create my own namespace and put this class in there? That should help... (by DragonOsman)
by Kalcor
Bubble sorting
I've always wanted to know the concept behind the condition in the 2nd loop in all bubble sortings, even tho I never use it since I use the STL cont. sort funct...
[3 replies] Last: If I understand it, its a case of arranging the deck chairs on the tit... (by jonnin)
what kind of algorithm in this code? i tried the code and it succeed, and now i want to know what algorithm is used in that code, like generate and te...
[1 reply] : The code has this at the top: /** * Based on the paper "A Heuristic ... (by JLBorges)
Iterators & pointers
I'm not grasping the concept at all when there's so many options, and therefore my program implementation is failing. I'm trying to get my main function workin...
[5 replies] Last: added 24 colours & derived classes into the vector the following pr... (by gunnerfunner)
by Kalcor
Array "visited" method?
Uhm, can someone show me an example of how an array is made for visited locations so we don't have to visit them again? like for example if i have 1 2 3 4 5 and...
[3 replies] Last: using std::pair<int, bool>: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #i... (by gunnerfunner)
Namespaces in large programs
I'm having some issues with namespaces in large programs. My namespace looks like namespace myspace { class A; class B; class C; class D...
[1 reply] : Put the entire class definition and all template code inside the names... (by TheIdeasMan)
Write a program that declares an array named myArray with 8 components of the type int. Initialize the array to 8 values that the user will input. Finally, pas...
[4 replies] Last: Very much appreciated thank you so much. (by kazutokirigaya)
help me please
hello please help me in this programme
[1 reply] : dude you have step by step instructions. programming will never be ea... (by SamuelAdams)
May 2017 Pages: 1... 89101112... 14
  Archived months: [apr2017] [jun2017]

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