General C++ Programming - May 2016 (Page 6)

how to add license in my project
hello every body i need add license in my project Because there are some thieves What you advise me to do ? and thank you for all
[5 replies] Last: Here's a breakdown of the major choices: Public domain: Other people ... (by helios)
which header file is used for sound() function in dev c++
which header file is used for sound() function in dev c++ actually i want header file for this code #include< > using namespace std; int main() { so...
[1 reply] : actually i want header file for this code You should consult the doc... (by cire)
How to stop loop using any character
i want to stop loop by entering any character like "n" in int type variable.The problem is that i cant enter character in int type variable . Any one can help m...
[3 replies] Last: thanks chayden (by abdullah ibrar)
Simple http request for Dream.lo
Hello, I'm trying to make a simple http request to to make an online leaderboard. It is designed to work well for Unity projects in C# but I...
[no replies]
Cleaner way to handle incorrect input
Hi all, Currently, the way I'm handling input is as follows: int main() { int aNumber{0}; std::cout << "Enter a number: "; while(!(std::...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks buddy. I see what was happening here now. I shouldn't return by... (by Aaron Vienneau)
check to see if file requires administrator privileges
I am trying to use shellexecute to open a program without it asking for permission to open it. Is it possible to see if a file requires administrator privileges...
[no replies]
by eranda
How values given file(note pad), please fix it
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { fstream F2("input.txt" ); const in...
[no replies]
number as a sum of 2 numbers from array
I have been trying to find if a given sorted array contains 2 numbers having the given sum. For 1 d array I figured but for 2 d array is not working Given a ...
[no replies]
by kubu
Templates & DLLs
I am trying to create a dll that contains templates where the templates should be compiled (rather than in the header file). However, I am getting the following...
[4 replies] Last: helios, that is perfect. I ended up doing what you suggested. Actually... (by kubu)
Advanced question
I have the following struct: struct bitFields { unsigned short userInputA : 3; unsigned short userInputB : 3; }; The variables above only store values betw...
[5 replies] Last: I just noticed. You should saturate the input before assigning its v... (by helios)
Creating an Array Based on User Input
Hi All, I am trying to create a variable length array based upon a user's input. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here but when I declare the array I get ...
[7 replies] Last: Rusko, thanks for pointing out the delete part! :) (by Little Captain)
by Wesus
Having problems getting started on this project.
I currently have a challenge to complete in 72 hours that is over my head. I have no idea where to start but once the ball got rolling i believe i could figure ...
[2 replies] Last: This link is the image of what the challenge... (by Wesus)
by Rusko
C++ Primer 5th ed question
it says: We can use an if to write a program to count how many consecutive times each distinct value appears in the input: the code: // currVal is the number w...
[3 replies] Last: Please don't alter your posts after the fact, just add a new post to t... (by jlb)
Segmentation Fault
In the below code, i am getting segmentation fault at cout << ... Can anyone explain why it happens..... Any suggestion will be useful for me..... I am using ...
[2 replies] Last: Any function of the following form is incorrect: T *f(/*...*/){ ... (by helios)
by Peril
Swapping Arrays.
Hello. I was wondering how to swap array in place of another array. For example, if my array is 1, 4 , 9, 10, 15. I want to produce 15, 10, 9, 4 , 1. This is my...
[12 replies] Last: if you know the size of data you will store arrays are much faster Ar... (by helios)
how to get innerText with libxml++ ?
Hi, I develop application to parse a html file with libxml++. I using TextNode to get texts of Element but it doesn't return texts of children elements. Is ther...
[no replies]
re sizing a 2D vector of Structs
Hello, I'm working on making a minesweeper game using C++ but I'm having trouble re sizing a vector. Here's what I have: A vector of ints: vector<vec...
[no replies]
help!! functions
[1 reply] : Please note that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewor... (by keskiverto)
ok, solved
[1 reply] : This is not a homework site. We won't do your homework for you. Howeve... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Gyiove
Can anyone help me speed up this code without taking any more memory
Hello everyone! Here's a really simple neural network code I created: #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> namespace nn { vector<float> G...
[4 replies] Last: > Avoid returning a vector by value. That involves copying the vector... (by JLBorges)
May 2016 Pages: 1... 45678... 17
  Archived months: [apr2016] [jun2016]

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