by DragonOsman
Writing out numbers in spelled out format
[9 replies] Last: I did it like how Bingocat4 suggested (for the "Three" or "THREE" case... (by DragonOsman)
by DragonOsman
Determining no. coins from counting each type of coin
[no replies]
by lin123
[5 replies] Last: Could be? Do you know what post-incrementing a pointer does? Take a lo... (by Zhuge)
by ModShop
Declare and Use an Array on One Line
[4 replies] Last: That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks! (by ModShop)
by Andrewcen16
Help understanding classes
[no replies]
by DragonOsman
Calculator for Stroustrup's Book - Chapter 3 Exercise
[no replies]
by LsDefect
Start console app in background?
[3 replies] Last: subsystem windows entry point maincrtstartup winmain , yes yes. It won... (by Ericool)
by rain
Need help compiling crypto++
[4 replies] Last: Some things about your make file not related to your problem. # If y... (by TheIdeasMan)
by plexus
Craziest construct I've ever seen
[2 replies] Last: Haha, good one :)) Anyone wanna pile on, calling a function in the mo... (by plexus)
by dkaip
How can get Hard Disk Serial Number or Processor ID
[5 replies] Last: Try using the terminal version and use pipes to get the output. See t... (by doug4)
by csstudent123
find the least value from the vector
[8 replies] Last: let me try and see..thanks (by csstudent123)
by james1402
[2 replies] Last: @james1402 That's not a question. It's not even bragging, because most... (by plexus)
by nelson0078
How do you obtain perfect forward secrecy
[no replies]
by slavano
Dynamically allocated 2D array
[15 replies] Last: AAAAHHHHHH! Thank you so much for putting up with me! It works!!! (by slavano)
by mastersg7
Error undeclared identifier in ideone
[2 replies] Last: It works :) Thanks a lot! (by mastersg7)
Dereferencing operator |
[6 replies] Last: You're welcome! (by MikeyBoy)
by norcal
Linked Lists Help
[1 reply] : If you must supply your own linked list type, then the first step is p... (by cire)
by sachinmm
image based face recognition
[no replies]
by asimkh
Reading from a file into arrays then printing in another file based on book format
[no replies]
by sunsflower
can I convert a class to int in c++?
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot! (by sunsflower)