General C++ Programming - May 2016 (Page 4)

Writing out numbers in spelled out format
I have to write a program that takes a number from 0 to 4 in spelled out format and converts it into the numerical form. And I have to print out "Not a number ...
[9 replies] Last: I did it like how Bingocat4 suggested (for the "Three" or "THREE" case... (by DragonOsman)
Determining no. coins from counting each type of coin
As the name says, I have to write a program that tells you how many coins there are by taking the number of each type of coin from the user and adding them all ...
[no replies]
by lin123
Assume you have the following layout of the memory. What is the output? Write your answer within the provided box. Assume there are no syntax errors. #include<...
[5 replies] Last: Could be? Do you know what post-incrementing a pointer does? Take a lo... (by Zhuge)
Declare and Use an Array on One Line
So I'm lazy and want to try and make and use a small lookup array on one line. I've tried this: int cap = {20,50,200,9001}[itemId-1]; but the compiler doesn't...
[4 replies] Last: That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks! (by ModShop)
Help understanding classes
i need some help understanding how to use different classes togther. Assume that the class "Employee" is already built and just gets the name in a string variab...
[no replies]
Calculator for Stroustrup's Book - Chapter 3 Exercise
I wrote this calculator code and it's working fine, but I wanted to ask if I'm doing the error-handling fine or not. As it is now, the program will exit immedi...
[no replies]
Start console app in background?
I've used ShowWindow() with SW_HIDE to hide my console program, but a visible window briefly pops up when the program first starts. I've tried configuring /SUBS...
[3 replies] Last: subsystem windows entry point maincrtstartup winmain , yes yes. It won... (by Ericool)
by rain
Need help compiling crypto++
Hello I am trying to compile test.cpp which is built-in test file in crypto++ library. I have made makefile but it does not work. "D:/Dropbox/cpp/praks/prak...
[4 replies] Last: Some things about your make file not related to your problem. # If y... (by TheIdeasMan)
by plexus
Craziest construct I've ever seen
I couldn't even believe it would work. First off: lame, ordinary definitions ... void foo(int i){ std::cout << "foo: " << i + 10 << std::endl; } void ba...
[2 replies] Last: Haha, good one :)) Anyone wanna pile on, calling a function in the mo... (by plexus)
by dkaip
How can get Hard Disk Serial Number or Processor ID
Hello. How can get Hard Disk Serial Number or Processor ID with c, c++ or wxWidgets? I am looking for code and i dont find any. Any idea? Thanks Jim
[5 replies] Last: Try using the terminal version and use pipes to get the output. See t... (by doug4)
find the least value from the vector
Hi how can I find the least value from the vector vector< list< pair<int, int> > > MST(vertices + 1);
[8 replies] Last: let me try and see..thanks (by csstudent123)
I do html, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and XML ,c++ ,pearl,and 30 others i know .There about almost a 1,000 programming language .
[2 replies] Last: @james1402 That's not a question. It's not even bragging, because most... (by plexus)
How do you obtain perfect forward secrecy
How do you obtain perfect forward secrecy if i have the followings? Right now if the attacker is able to obtain the password which is 6 characters. A -> B...
[no replies]
Dynamically allocated 2D array
Hello, I am programming this in visual studio proff. 2015 and I seem to be running into a problem. In my program, the Matrix class used to be made of a large 2...
[15 replies] Last: AAAAHHHHHH! Thank you so much for putting up with me! It works!!! (by slavano)
Error undeclared identifier in ideone
Hi all, I am getting the following error when compiling. It does not recognize the declaration intNumberGuessed above i am guessing. prog.cpp:29:20: error...
[2 replies] Last: It works :) Thanks a lot! (by mastersg7)
Dereferencing operator
Hello all, Whet is the difference between 1) and 2) and what will be the values of them: 1) double h = (*Jill_data) ; 2) double h = *Jill_data ; when w...
[6 replies] Last: You're welcome! (by MikeyBoy)
by norcal
Linked Lists Help
How do I modify this program to track the numbers guessed by the user using a linked list. So basically, i need to keep track if someone already guesses a numbe...
[1 reply] : If you must supply your own linked list type, then the first step is p... (by cire)
image based face recognition
i have write the below code for reading two images from folder and apply fisherface training algorithm on them there are two person images that i have read....c...
[no replies]
by asimkh
Reading from a file into arrays then printing in another file based on book format
Hi I am new to this forum so please help me out and forgive me for writing code etc incorrectly. Basically i need to read a from a file and store it into an ar...
[no replies]
can I convert a class to int in c++?
for example: class UserInt { ..... }; and is there a way to do this: UserInt ui = 5; int a = ui; ? thanks!
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot! (by sunsflower)
May 2016 Pages: 123456... 17
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