General C++ Programming - May 2016 (Page 3)

Data member, assigned once at runtime, const thereafter.
Hi, I have an int data member in a class that is assigned a value at instantiation and thereafter remains constant until destruction. This data member, n,...
[2 replies] Last: Unfortunately not. The object is populated with data from a file; n v... (by BrowserUk)
by jimo
alias templates
I have been developing an application using wxWidgets (detail, but not specific to the problem). I have a class called MyPanel, and in it, I have a timer that I...
[no replies]
Look for numbers after text and replace
So as the title says I want to find a number, called "value" in a .txt file and replace it with another number. (A number that is 10% bigger). The text file loo...
[3 replies] Last: JSON is the file format. There are various different JSON parsing lib... (by MikeyBoy)
Get Problem With Map!
//I wanna make a map which take a Vector2 as key, and int as value, also with a //compareFunction. class Vector2{ public: int x=-99999; int y=-99999; Vec...
[1 reply] : The map doesn't store duplicate keys. Your comparison function fncomp... (by Peter87)
passing parameter issue
I have defined a variable as follows: char ssid I have a header file that has a subprogram defined as enum status_code eeprom_emulator_write_buffer( ...
[3 replies] Last: Same as above, without the const modifier. (by helios)
Anyway I can simplify these if statements?
Hey everyone, here's the code I have: if (letter == 'a') { xCoordinate = 0; } else if (letter == 'b') { xCoordinate = 1; } else if (letter == 'c') ...
[2 replies] Last: @helios, thank you very much man, you're a life saver :) (by MultiMedia)
Why is this not constexpr?
Hi, I have a native array at global scope whose size is known at compile time: const std::type_info* intsRtti[Length<SignedIntegers>::value]; ...
[6 replies] Last: Yes it compiles fine with latest patch!! Thanks Juan (by JUAN DENT)
I should have a segmentation fault here... but I have not
Hello. Look at this copy constructor: GString(const GString& copy) { size = copy.size; mainString = new char ; int i = 0; for (; i < size; i++) { ma...
[3 replies] Last: > Writing a single byte over the end of your array will only be a prob... (by ne555)
Where to start when learning to code?
So I have been programming in C++ for little under a year since I started having a course at university. The course focus is, if you ask me, more about the impl...
[4 replies] Last: (by Ericool)
Sound in c++
Hello everyone, how can i play sound in c++ and can you give me a library ? Thanks you
[3 replies] Last: I recommend FMOD API for developer , fairly simple (by Ericool)
Decimal to Fraction Calculator
Hey guys, So I'm trying to write program that converts decimals to fractions but it is not working. I have the code pasted below. I'm open to any ideas. Tha...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Jobronk)
by eulmer
Issue with opening EXE in C++
I'm attempting to replace some super-old code embedded in our program with our own On-Screen Keyboard with a simple call to the Windows 7 one (%windir%\system3...
[2 replies] Last: Seems this is a semi common problem. I've found a few topics on it aft... (by eulmer)
by Liger
Quick question about c++ versions
Hi, I'm a beginner programmer and I'm having difficulty understand what c++98 and c++11 is. I can't really find much documentation explaining if new IDEs or com...
[9 replies] Last: Yep, that sounds about right. (by LB)
Pointer strlen
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; char s = "Some text"; k=*s int main () {int strlen(char *s); strlen (k) ...
[2 replies] Last: strlen() He needs a char* instead of char** Here's a possibility... (by MeteorCat)
by Reiv63
Wheel of fortune
Im making a wheel of fortune game in Dev C++ and I would just like to ask if its possible to create a simulation wheel that will get a random $, like litteraly ...
[6 replies] Last: thank you good sir! (by Reiv63)
which c++ compiler or ide should i start with for windows programming?
I have a good knowledge of programming and am familiar with languages like Turbo C++, Turbo Pascal, QBasic, Python and javascript. I am very familiar with Turbo...
[12 replies] Last: Thanx, setup is now working! (by thomasb)
Modyfing a char table within a loop to display "x = i"
Hello, I need help writing a simple loop that would change the size of char table (I need it to be the exact size as text plus one space for 0 that ends the ta...
[2 replies] Last: The array is too small, "x=0.0" requires six characters, "x=50.0" woul... (by Chervil)
Waiting for a variable
I am working on a program that should be able to monitor another process. I do not have the code of this other process and thus cannot modify the code. This pro...
[6 replies] Last: Then it looks like that will be the final solution. Thank you all for ... (by Shadowwolf)
by AcarX
Locking a code block with an object
I do have couple of functions which I want to be executed by a single thread at one time. I could think of a solution as such: struct ExecutionLock { Execut...
[1 reply] : Yes, that's a very common usage of RAII, and is in fact the preferred ... (by helios)
Self-Coding Program
Is it possible to write a code that when you type into it a piece of code (e.g. cout << "Hi!" << endl;) it would run that code. Soz if to confusing:)
[1 reply] : Yes, you need an interpreter. Or a more sophisticated approach: the c... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
May 2016 Pages: 12345... 17
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