by Loke
Drawing a diamond within a circle, gets unexpected spacing after each character
[2 replies] Last: @Necip // #include <math.h> // C maths header #include <cmath> // C... (by TheIdeasMan)
by BrowserUk
vector of maps
[10 replies] Last: for( int i=0; i < MM.size(); i++ ) Y[ i ] = 0; What's that for? Th... (by BrowserUk)
Help with arrays Please |
[2 replies] Last: Double post: (by chicofeo)
by Apple1234
Linked lists
[no replies]
by Apple1234
Linked lists
[no replies]
Average Population Calculation Program |
[no replies]
by Pranciskus
sound in c++
[4 replies] Last: If using g++, get rid of that #pragma - there should be a compiler war... (by Chervil)
by zerd12
problem in template
[1 reply] : template < typename In, typename Out > Out plus_adj( In first, In las... (by JLBorges)
by diane534
math tutor program
[1 reply] : Next time please use the code tags and properly format your code. It m... (by Arslan7041)
by Alex A
Calling a fucntion and Passing a structure + other parameters
[2 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon, thank you so much, i was having so much trouble fin... (by Alex A)
by Rajkumar MCA
Explain about __packed__ in structure
[1 reply] : __packed__ is an implementation specific compiler directive. When st... (by AbstractionAnon)
by gedamial
cout prevents the program from crashing?
[7 replies] Last: `string::find()' returns a size_t, not an int and it returns string::... (by gedamial)
by Pranciskus
Maybe somebody knows c++ lists?
[3 replies] Last: thank you NoXzema. I wonder I couldnt find it myself. (by Pranciskus)
by DeathLeap
Check if palindrome
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #include <algorithm> #include <... (by JLBorges)
by simani
how can I correct this code that proves whether a number is prime or not?
[2 replies] Last: To give you an idea: #include <iostream> //Function Prototypes. vo... (by chicofeo)
by glennjasper0
[no replies]
by Alex A
Write a no (zero) argument constructor which initializes the member variables
[2 replies] Last: Moschops, thanks for making things more clear. (by Alex A)
by smgupte99
Which is a better C++ class design?
[1 reply] : I wrote about a simple database structure modell in this thread http... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by Pranciskus
Close errors
[6 replies] Last: I solved it. Thanks for effort. I appreciate that. (by Pranciskus)
by min1112
How to sort the whole linked list using merge sort?
[1 reply] : Please give us the hole runable code with formation and detailed infor... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)