by sangi89
matrix with verify
[10 replies] Last: It is C++11. Should work with a current version of Dev C++. For inst... (by sangi89)
by asdfzaq
Store address in int
[3 replies] Last: It's possible but it's a bad idea. Why is it necessary? Is it actually... (by Moschops)
by yoyorcf
How to create this program ?
[3 replies] Last: You want to use either a for loop or a while loop that iterates 8 time... (by Kurisutofaa)
by WhatIf
How to delete an entry from std::map by value?
[2 replies] Last: Both should accomplish your goals, the first removes by the iterator, ... (by jlb)
by edsharpe
Struct project c++
[no replies]
by kev558
Can you produce a xy plot and mark coordinates on the plot?
[6 replies] Last: Fair enough. Thanks for the help anyway, was worth a shot. (by kev558)
by Ruthra
why does return statement assigns value?
[5 replies] Last: > above code causes an internal compiler error: in gen_type_die_with_u... (by JLBorges)
Vectors in if statements not working |
[3 replies] Last: If you're trying to compare to a single char, then use 'A'. 'A' is a ... (by Moschops)
by Ka1578
simulate holding down a keyboard key
[no replies]
by BigWeel
problem returning a varable
[2 replies] Last: You never set the playerScore to anything besides 0. player(play... (by Kurisutofaa)
by Isaac21
Reading a vector of unknown length
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <sst... (by JLBorges)
by omidelf
need help with this program (student information manager with linkedlist)
[no replies]
by motyas
Allegro on Xcode
[3 replies] Last: Not sure then. Did you try running with the code sample I gave in the ... (by MrHutch)
by Raviexact
How to convert the address stored in the string to void* in c++
[2 replies] Last: Awesome. Thanks a lot. its working. (by Raviexact)
Call C++ class from C# |
[no replies]
by dheat2much
I need great Assistance
[1 reply] : I take courses that are not in my Computer Science's Major (i.e. Accou... (by chicofeo)
by kkjoker
search word puzzle.....please help
[8 replies] Last: > I believe yours is more efficient JLBorges No. Both get_col() an... (by JLBorges)
by moot
Template Class Not Working
[4 replies] Last: @jlb, Thanks for the tip and help! (by moot)
by alalakaw
Linked List Template Class
[no replies]
by Ferris
Deleting nodes from a linked list
[no replies]