General C++ Programming - May 2015 (Page 9)

C++ Final Project... I need some help!
How Can I create a Dinamic Allocation for a Movie Array? How Can i sort a movie file by alphabetical order? How can i edit a selected string in a file? Exa...
[12 replies] Last: Hey Guys thanxx for the support... Now i have another doubt, why my co... (by GabyValedon2012)
by Gyiove
operator[] and operator[][]
Hello everyone! Here's a simple code: int &operator (int in) const { cout << "pos:" << in << endl; return in; // lets just return that pos. } T...
[2 replies] Last: a map inside of map im stupid, my apologies. this would be my solution... (by Gyiove)
by Aman13
Rolling dice
Friends i just wanna rewrite this program using File in c++ #include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; struct game { char name...
[1 reply] : use a class instead of a struct, all of your data members should be pr... (by mutexe)
Linked List "add" n "remove" for loop ?
Hello every1 , just want to ask for a clear explanation about the loop after the else inside the "add" and "remove" function .. any1 can explain to me what d...
[1 reply] : Well, the developer of this code determined that position 1 is before... (by coder777)
by Lauke
Array declaration inside a function
Hi guys, is it safe to do stuff like: void func(int v , int size) { int array_local ; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) array_local = v ; /* Other stuff......
[2 replies] Last: In C99, this would compile. It will be safe if the array is small enou... (by JLBorges)
by AmitH
Stop searching by alphabetical order
Hi, I have a list<string> of words. I want to check if some word is in the list. So I used the .sort() function in hope to make the searching more efficien...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by AmitH)
Good Program for Flowchart ?
Anyone knows a program who automatically desings you a flowchart ?
[4 replies] Last: thanx!!! (by GabyValedon2012)
Help with Arrays?
The instructions were: Create a program that will input 10 names of students, each student have 5 quizzes USING ARRAY Sample output: Enter name of student ...
[5 replies] Last: I just realized I did not calculate your averages correctly. I think y... (by Bdanielz)
Please help me Template this project
The program that I have created will eather generate a .txt file full of random numbers, or load the numbers from an existing text file. These numbers will b...
[no replies]
can someone give some logarithm for finding the level of a given node..
[1 reply] : (by Bdanielz)
Write a C++ program using functions that accepts a single integer value entered by the user. If the value entered is less than one, the program prints nothing. ...
[5 replies] Last: Alright well you edited your post with a new problem. I'd suggest maki... (by Momothegreat)
by t36
Class design: allowing users of a class to change the content of an internal container
Hi, Apologies if this has been asked before, I tried to do a search but I don't know quite which keywords to use for this. I have to design a class which ...
[5 replies] Last: If the class person has a (mutable) property name, then Person &muta... (by JLBorges)
by Wi3ard
Combining Random Gen/ Text file
What I am trying to figure out how to combine the text file I created and the Random Gen/Array #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #incl...
[no replies]
error calling virtual class from array of base class
class Parent{ virtual void show(){}; }; class Child: public Parent{ void show(); } Parent** p=new Parent* ; for(some values){ Child* c=new C...
[2 replies] Last: sorry, I did in main code...I updated again... (by csstudent123)
Linker failing to find symbols for my class Methods when compiling SDL Program in C++ on Mac
So I was following the Lazyfoo tutorials for SDL and didn't like how he kept everything in one file, so I decided to try and split the classes up, now every met...
[1 reply] : (by ne555)
I have an idea, and need advice
Okay so I have an idea for a game, I have extensive knowledge of C++ but no knowledge of libraries. I need to know how hard it is going to be to make a simple 2...
[4 replies] Last: Okay cheers guys I'll post if I need more help :) (by FighterCoder)
Boost.Asio help with concurrency.
Hi, i'm trying to make this program that has a few features: -Networking with Boost.Asio (yeah, i got most of it figured out). -Multi-threading with Boost.Thre...
[no replies]
[C++] Remove File
Hello, tenog a problem with deleting a file I have the function check and everything but the file is not deleted. Line function: else if(hacerOpcion == "...
[3 replies] Last: Solved. fe.close(); Ty! (by YuseTist)
by heepoo
which library for audio do you recommend?
hi all, i need to work with audio in my application and i don't know which library to use i need a library for audio with these requirements: i don't want it...
[16 replies] Last: [quote=admkrk]Sorry, 3D means 3 dimensional and audio only has one dim... (by Z e r e o)
Covariant return type to reference to base, must be const?
I was trying some stuff out with covariant return types and I stumbled on something that I don't understand. Have a look at the following code (it does not comp...
[2 replies] Last: @Peter87 Thank you very much now I understand! I Google'd "C++ tempo... (by benbalach)
May 2015 Pages: 1... 7891011... 22
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