General C++ Programming - May 2015 (Page 6)

Car Navigation Software using C++?
Hi All, I'm Usman and I was thinking about creating a navigation system of my own car in C++. Is it possible in C++ and What will I need to implement it ? I wa...
[2 replies] Last: This is possible in C++. The minimum things required for this is a dev... (by BlatantlyX)
Program continues even after catching exception?
Why my program contiues even after prints out even the wrong dates/months #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; cla...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks, its clearer now...I will give it a try (by csstudent123)
Passing Class Object by ref help
I got everything working in my program except I get an error when passing my object by reference: //main.cpp|50|undefined reference to `showOrder(Sandwhich)'|...
[2 replies] Last: Line 23 of the first block of code. You forgot an ampersand. Gah, st... (by nsahawks7)
static polymorphism
Hey guys, static polymorphism may look something like this: // Example program #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> template<typename T> ...
[no replies]
Using c++ to modify a graph drawing in AutoCAD
Good morning, I've been searching the internet looking for some idea of where to go with this: I have an AutoCAD drawing I've drawn of a Duval Triangle (Graph)...
[1 reply] : I ... (by Computergeek01)
book library program
An assignment i was recently given requires us to take file input from the command line from 5 files named: 1. library_holdings_input_file 2. book_request_inpu...
[no replies]
Is there any implementation of Louvain method “Finding communities in large network” for Visual C++ on Win 8
I am looking for source code of Louvain method community detection for Visual C++(in Visual Studio) on Windows based on This paper it can be seen from this addr...
[no replies]
Calling a Base class constructor from a derived class.
Hi everyone, I'm just a beginner so don't judge me. I have searched on Google before I came here but it didn't help me really. Here is the problem: I have an ab...
[5 replies] Last: Okay, thanks everyone. I've completed it. :) (by klimentije33)
NT36 Error
When I try to submit a post, it keeps on showing NT36 error. Is it my browser or the site?
[2 replies] Last: Safari, Yosemite (by csstudent123)
DO LOOP Problem
Hello, this program is supposed to receive a numbers from the user to figure out a fast way to solve exponential equations. i.e. 2^3=8 What is wrong with my ...
[6 replies] Last: thanks a ton @R23MJ (by mjamesball9)
by R23MJ
Setting up SFML Android project?
I realize this isn't the SFML Forums, but help over there is hard to come by. I asked a question yesterday and got no replies. Is anyone here familiar with how ...
[2 replies] Last: See, building SFML was the easy part. The second part is where I am co... (by R23MJ)
Days difference between two dates using boost::date_time
Are there any APIs available in boost::date_time to get the number of days between two dates that is also calendar specific? Example, Number of days between ...
[1 reply] : 501 days. I presume you are talking about discounting weekends and p... (by Duthomhas)
File I/O help
if my text document starts with (example) 4 letters, I write 5 letters to the file it will only display the first 4. basically whatever number of chars I start ...
[5 replies] Last: It's ok. I did it for you. :) #include <iostream> #include <fstream> ... (by jasonwynn10)
How to use a JSON parser to read and handle data from a .json file?
I've included jsoncpp ( ) in my project, but I have a couple of questions. One, do I have to build the project? T...
[3 replies] Last: Wait now I got it. I'm not sure why the OP on stack overflow was using... (by wh1t3crayon)
Network Programming With Shared Data Storage
A short introduction: A vector of structs shall be provided by a server via network. Clients store its structs in the server's vector and clients search for s...
[2 replies] Last: My main goal is availability for the clients and the integrity of the ... (by stefan65)
How to access a specific line in a file
How do I read only a specific line in a txt file and save the number in the next line in a variable?
[3 replies] Last: The above code should assist you then, what all have you tried. I cann... (by R23MJ)
by Aaa000
'std::out_of_range' error
Hi, I'm a beginner with C++ and don't know much about it. I compiled the following codes without error, but while running I get the following error: terminate c...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags when posting code. You need to be careful about ... (by jlb)
Passing Objects As Function Parameters
My research has not helped me solve this one. edge.h: class Edge { private: Vertex start; Vertex end; int weight; public: Edge(Vertex&, Vertex&, int...
[3 replies] Last: There is another solution to your particular problem. Your Edge class... (by andywestken)
Does boost include in this web site ?
Boost said he has been included in C++11 standard. Does boost include in this web site ?
[1 reply] : Boost as such is not included in the C++11 standard. It is a large col... (by keskiverto)
Clarification on magic numbers
Hello, I`m interested maybe at some point implementing a hashing function, but before that I need to know the basics. For example,
[1 reply] : The meaning of keyword static in C++ does depend on context. C has a ... (by keskiverto)
May 2015 Pages: 1... 45678... 22
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