by mattwilliams
Slide Sorter Program
[no replies]
by anirudhna
how does the '%' operator work
[2 replies] Last: for integers n, q , p and r; n = q*p +r where r is always less than t... (by erbisme4)
by Osej Alhasad
Vectors in .txt files
[15 replies] Last: Ok, thanks (by Osej Alhasad)
by Freaky256
Generate all subsequence combinations
[1 reply] : You might want to start here: (by cire)
by marshallII
reduce Knpasack problem to 3SAT problem
[1 reply] : There is no generalized answer to a question like this. Can you give u... (by Duthomhas)
by DuyTran
Basic linked list errors
[3 replies] Last: As to the design: redesign. (This is not strictly necessary. You can... (by cire)
Maximum number of indexes for N-dimensional array? |
[2 replies] Last: I am trying to find the maximum value I can put for each dimension in... (by andywestken)
by bali971
Need a solution for c# code
[6 replies] Last: This topic is continued in this thread: (by Gamer2015)
by bali971
need solution for this
[6 replies] Last: Gamer3015, that is a class C, local ip. Whooops should've known that... (by Gamer2015)
by Vangy
Future of C++
[9 replies] Last: Making gui development on Windows with .net languages is extremely ea... (by Gamer2015)
by Ophi
SFML Link Error
[9 replies] Last: I was pointed in the correct direction on the SFML forums. Apparently ... (by Ophi)
by rizaado
Different libraries
[6 replies] Last: Thank you. (by rizaado)
by itsallpoison
cin not working
[5 replies] Last: Thank you. Really cleared up things for me. (by itsallpoison)
by Abrar Iqbal
Computer Graphics
[1 reply] : What source code are you talking about? (by Peter87)
by Suppresed
Getting -9.25596e+061 passing paremeters inheritance
[11 replies] Last: But in your original code you are never computing the area, only ge... (by Peter87)
What does a return 0 do? |
[6 replies] Last: Every function returns to its point of call when it finishes its work.... (by PSYCHAMERON)
by jae0014
Please can anyone help me on strlen, strcmp , strcpy, strcat...
[5 replies] Last: Haha,, if i get it would I even post this in the first place? (by jae0014)
by coder35
URGENT!! Need help finishing 2-dim array game code!
[5 replies] Last: states is a 1-Dimensional array. string states = {...}; but you tr... (by Gamer2015)
by mjamesball9
Logic Issue
[6 replies] Last: glad to help What do u mean by "yes"==true? This was actually wron... (by Gamer2015)
by mamz931
help with this c++ code mat lib
[3 replies] Last: These are easy: - daata does not exist: data=x.daata ; - in main:... (by Gamer2015)