by fourofpi
Problem using a Loop with Classes
[4 replies] Last: I was thinking I needed an array but all the constructors have differ... (by andywestken)
by c296901573
Design a program for a trucking company that has seven trucks in its fleet.
[no replies]
by abcdefgh
boost serialization
[1 reply] : Have you read the tutorial? (by TwilightSpectre)
by woodbras
expected unqualified-id before 'switch'
[2 replies] Last: Great! Many thanks! YOu r the best) (by woodbras)
by Kaelure
Output not showing up in textfile when using out_data
[1 reply] : It is indeed from the line you mentioned. for (int cat = 0; cnt <cou... (by konstance)
by themrpeanut
Start w/o debugging outputting different results than debugger
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Gamer2015, such an obvious answer, yet for whatever reason I wa... (by themrpeanut)
by Ozzy69
How allocate dinamic an array in real time?
[2 replies] Last: Sorry..... I repaired the code (by Ozzy69)
by cmt9000
help with virtual print function
[2 replies] Last: Once declared virtual in a base class, the function is automatically v... (by andywestken)
by lynch98
Trying to get a function to return an input
[3 replies] Last: Another take? Use mod (%) and integer division (/) to chop the input ... (by andywestken)
by shahd95
a program that shows whether characters/words entered by user are palindrome or not
[no replies]
by TheKamis
Performance goes down in multithreading
[1 reply] : Your computer can probably do roughly 2 billion calculations per secon... (by ultifinitus)
by newbiee999
Quick Question: Does a Derived Class have access to private members of the base class?
[2 replies] Last: @ fg109, Thanks for the link! It was very helpful :) (by newbiee999)
by Kyi
Verb, Noun Checking Program Memory error
[4 replies] Last: PS Just occured to me, as you're using cin for input, which breaks st... (by andywestken)
by TheHardew
Conversion functions?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for replay. First one should be correct. Purpose of this class ... (by TheHardew)
What's wrong with my code ? |
[1 reply] : #include "bank.h" Account::Account(){ int i=0; cout << "To create... (by Faresisteiger)
by Ozzy69
How make to the put numbers randons in array in c++
[7 replies] Last: > when you use the cin.peek() don't print the last number, The last n... (by JLBorges)
by Ozzy69
How copy elements of a container for the other container?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Ozzy69)
by zhaolewen
strange std::bad_alloc error
[2 replies] Last: when I add the assignment operator,the memory is also increasing! t... (by zhaolewen)
by dwsmith
De-referencing the last iterator position
[5 replies] Last: > j will be larger than it. j is not an iterator; it is a number of... (by JLBorges)
by Coder857
C++ School Project Final Ideas?
[1 reply] : I am supposed to make a final project for my C++ class with the follo... (by hyperfine)