General C++ Programming - May 2015 (Page 19)

ATM machine not exiting due thursday
So my project is to include 2 accounts checking and savings that both start at 1000 and can have funds transfer between accounts, funds be withdrawn, and deposi...
[3 replies] Last: okay so I am redoing this project as I need to use a header file with ... (by jlivecchi)
Executing a file or program
Hi Is there a way I can lunch/execute a program or text file with my cpp code?
[3 replies] Last: system("test.exe"); worked just fine tnx (by N495t4r)
QUESTION: ifstream of char variable
char id , g ; double h , w ; char ID, gender; double height, weight; cout << "To complete entering data, enter 'x' or 'X' for 'Character ID'\n"; for(;;) ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry to waste your time, I found multiple error with the entire progr... (by TowisaurousRex)
sfml- warning
I star to learn sfml(C::B, win7). #include<SFML/Window.hpp> #include <SFML/OpenGL.hpp> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // Create the...
[8 replies] Last: You're welcome! Glad we could help. (by MikeyBoy)
snake game
I'm trying to figure out where to go from here, its not homework just personal project im working on. what I want to know is how to randomly generate the '*'...
[6 replies] Last: this is my newest error srand(time(NULL)); int pellet = rand();//p... (by ArtisticMess)
True or False Question about Inheritance
True or False:- For a C++ Derived Class to override an inherited member function, the base class is required to declare the function to be virtual. I don't k...
[17 replies] Last: [quote=newbiee999]True or False:- For a C++ Derived Class to override ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Winsu
Reorder My object composed by vectors
Hello, everyone, I have a class composed by vectors,One of them is called order. As well I have several functions to load the vector with information,the infor...
[no replies]
Comparing integer with string
Hi guys, I am troubled in understanding why I cannot compare an int with a string and can you please tell me what should I use instead? Thank for help #i...
[2 replies] Last: char mood; char orientation; cout<<"Insert Age"<<endl; cin>>age; ... (by naraku9333)
by eden20
Text Adventure Game
Hello. Recently we started studying programming at school, so I am a total noob, i have tried making a text adventure game with what we were taught so far, but ...
[no replies]
What could I have done better?
Below is the code that I submitted last night for one of my class projects. What could I have done different to make it cleaner? Here's the prompt: Proje...
[3 replies] Last: 30 & 34: The prompt says that the username should be the first charac... (by Gamer2015)
Input from Text file, Edit input, Ouput to new file
Hello! My professor gave an assignment where I needed to use data from an existing text file, edit it, and output it to a new file. I'm a bit new to programming...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! Where would I go for help with homework on this site? (by Lyserge)
Reverse function
Hello, I`m learning with the Kernighan and Ritchie the C programming language and I need to write a function that reverses the character string s. Then I nee...
[3 replies] Last: I thought if there is a cooler way to do this, at the same time making... (by pacman169)
Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
The Question was Write an assembly language program that corresponds to the following C++ program: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int num...
[1 reply] : what am I not doing right??? You are not posting on an assembly foru... (by mutexe)
by ITR
Multiple definitions in same row
I'm trying to make a physics-ish, thingy, where I imported something from a different program I made, but this time tried putting it in it's own class: code: ht...
[8 replies] Last: Oh, never mind, had to declare them in the cpp file too, and not assig... (by ITR)
question regarding arrays
Hello, so in an array, what is the formula or syntax in order to find/output the biggest and the smallest number? thank you,
[3 replies] Last: Add them all together and divide by size. To add an array together, ... (by TwilightSpectre)
My Game
Hello Iam making a memory matching game but I need help making the board I am making it as a 2 dim array but I don't know where to go from here, Also I need he...
[1 reply] : I don't know where to go from here You can do it! ;) Also I need h... (by Gamer2015)
How to access elements lower on a chain of inheritance?
Okay the title is kind of vague so I'll do my best to explain. I'm writing the framework for a basic 2d game and each drawable object in the game inherits from ...
[18 replies] Last: Hi, I am sure your code will be fine up to a point. However using Des... (by TheIdeasMan)
ostringstream memory increase
When the function "rinexSatLine" is running ,the memory is always increasing。Finally, the error "std::bad_alloc" occurs. I cannot find the reason, Hope for a ...
[1 reply] : try to print out the size of the QVector, maybe that's accidently a hu... (by Gamer2015)
Iam trying to print out an array using a for loop and it works but there is extra numbers after it I don't know how they got there or how to make it go away so ...
[2 replies] Last: The problem is that you check i <= 10 You only have 10 elements in y... (by Gamer2015)
switching the program when button is pressed
Hello everybody! Hey, I have another question! I have a button and LED. I'd like to change the patterns when press the button. I wrote a code and is compiling w...
[1 reply] : first off: notice that there is an else-if statement and that you can ... (by Gamer2015)
May 2015 Pages: 1... 171819202122
  Archived months: [apr2015] [jun2015]

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