General C++ Programming - May 2015 (Page 15)

by Gyiove
Fastest way to move element on dynamic array
Hello everyone I have: int *p = new int , a; for( a = 0; a < 100; a++ ) p = a + 1; now i want to move p value:100 to p so it will be: p = 100; p = 1...
[no replies]
by Gyiove
why my vector class is alot slower than default vector class. (1,2)
my vector: LARGE_INTEGER t_start_counter, t_current_counter; void tstart() { QueryPerformanceCounter(&t_start_counter); }...
[20 replies] Last: I have one more question. What happens when my optimization is set to ... (by Gyiove)
array based stack
Can anyone spot my error here? I'm doing this for practice and can't figure out how I'm changing the value of top here to 8. #include <iostream> usi...
[4 replies] Last: In case anyone is interested... What is the purpose of a zero length ... (by andywestken)
I'm new need your help pls
[1 reply] : (by ahcfan)
need some lights about a task
Hi everybody, I'm a beginner at c++ programming and I wanted to know if someone can help me for some task that I have to do. I want to create a c++ code wher...
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Nested Array of structures- input from a file, simple question
I'm trying to read data in from a file and storing it in an array of nested structures. There are 4 divers each with their own set of data, but my code is only ...
[7 replies] Last: yeah, thank you! (by Elysian)
by forejs
So as per usual I am new to this stuff. I am trying to figure out how to make my program read back the name of a user input that will include spaces. F...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #include <string> #include <iom... (by JLBorges)
collision detection
im trying to code for a snake game this is my pellet saying that if the character and the pellet are the same place move the pellet somewhere else. the code is ...
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Strange IPhone Request (Sleep/delay command)?
So I've got a somewhat unorthodox request for help. So I have an app to compiler c/C++ code. I've been trying to write a simple menu code. The problem is on iPh...
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Numbers in a Series
C++ program that sums up the integers in a range of values and prints the result. The computation will be done using two different methods: a while loop approac...
[14 replies] Last: I am getting 163 with the for loop. How would you do this calculation... (by nadurraXII)
Hidding a functions data log to console
Hello im creating a booking system for a college assignment and i have a function that checks a text file to see if it has any data in it and returns a boolean...
[no replies]
Characters on the heap
So I'm doing a bit of experimenting to see just how memory is arranged on the heap. However, when I allocate single characters on the heap, and try to view the...
[2 replies] Last: OK that makes sense. Thanks! (by ForTheReallys)
BattleShip - Fill Board with Ships
Hello there. I'm making the BattleShip game and I'm having some problems to fill the board with ships. void Board::putShip(const Ship &s){ int s...
[no replies]
i am trying to make a a small program get from the user the type and print the data of the type like it range and how many bytes.... #include <iostream> //...
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Nothing is printed on running my program
Here is the link to the program Kindly let me know the issue.
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I need a Open cv program, I pay for it
Open Cv 2410+ Visual Studio 2010 Theme: Camera image acquisition and 3D processing I need a program like this: ...
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by kkk2
Question about stringstream
Hi everyone, An exercise's example says: int sum_int(string cmd){ stringstream ss (cmd); ...... } but what the line "stringstream ss (cmd);" m...
[1 reply] : It creates a stringstream variable (object) named ss , and the string... (by Peter87)
please help, someone please help me develop this assignment please!
Develop a top-down design and write a program utilizing at least three functions to calculate payroll information and to print out a pay report for all employe...
[1 reply] : Please have a go first, then someone might help you do your homework. ... (by lopella)
different kind of void parameters
Can somebody list and explain the different kinds of declaring formal parameters using const and/or reference on array and non-array variables. Please dont incl...
[no replies]
multiple errors
I'm receiving a list of errors that is preventing me from running my program 138 F:\Access\Programming\assignment.cpp expected `}' at end of input 138 F:\...
[7 replies] Last: @nadurraXII - Get a better compiler. There is nothing wrong with paren... (by AbstractionAnon)
May 2015 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 22
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