General C++ Programming - May 2015 (Page 11)

by dilver
cout with math
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x=4; int y = 10 ; cout<<y+=x; } can we use cout like this : cout<<...
[11 replies] Last: which Z are you talking about ?!! do you see any Z in my little piece... (by keskiverto)
Trying to find Palindrome in a Bool Function Using Strings
Yo guys. I'm trying to find whether or not a word is a palindrome. It seems like that my program is constantly returning True for all words read. I'm not sure ...
[14 replies] Last: Good. Some notes: 1. getline(cin,words); while (cin) { // code g... (by keskiverto)
Is it ok to ask quickest way to move to EOF?
What is the quickest way to move to the end of the file? Is it ok to ask this and is there any one correct answer for this? I think of some ways....
[3 replies] Last: It depends. If you wish to make the file larger , then you simply se... (by Duthomhas)
I don't understand Multithreading Sort
I need to write a program that would do a multithread sort of an array (merge or quick), but, sadly, I do not understand much about multithreading, and how to u...
[4 replies] Last: For each sort, stick with a logarithmic algorithm. That is, both merge... (by Duthomhas)
program help
Hello, Any ideas how I would test this program are welcomed: #include <iostream> /* for ( i = 0; i< lim-1 && (c = getchar()) != '\n' && c!= EOF; ++i...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> void f() { for ( i = 0; i< lim-1 && (c =... (by pacman169)
PointsOnShape and PointsInShape formula need some tweak
Hi guys, i have an assignment that requires me to find the coordinates in and on a shape itself, so assuming the shape is a square of 4 spaces. I found this for...
[1 reply] : bump (by tokillmob)
by Shyckh
student data base
i want to make simple student data base for a school admins. in this program i want to add students name, address phone no etc and assign each student a unique ...
[1 reply] : Well, are you wanting to write a program, or use existing software? I... (by koothkeeper)
by djimb
Conversion binary to text and copy some lines (any help??)
Dear All, I would like to use a code to extract some lines in binary file and send the result to a ini file. when I try with this code and use a simple word ...
[1 reply] : First of all, please wrap your code in the code tags. Secondly, you a... (by koothkeeper)
Importing from .txt into arrays
"Write a program that calculates the students’ average test scores and their grades. Use three arrays: a one-dimensional array to store the student names, a t...
[3 replies] Last: Can you post the text file? You probably just input the data similarl... (by dhayden)
Ordered linked list
Hi, I'm trying to make an ordered linked list; I've completed the code and in the compiling there are no error or warning but the program crash after the first ...
[3 replies] Last: There are lots of sites, for example: http://www.programming-technique... (by mutexe)
converting between classes
Hello, I am currently working on a college project which involves the use of RF packet transmission. Each packet contains 32 bytes of information and each pack...
[6 replies] Last: I believe I do have control as to what byte gets sent first as i have ... (by carbonjoker)
Error resource can not found in ASP.NET MVC
Hi! I am working with mvc getting error resource can not found. When I uploaded the files on the httpdocs folder through plesk control panel I have a shared ac...
[1 reply] : (by mutexe)
by Ozzy69
What advantage of use vectors in relation the deques?
Hi, What advantage of use vectors in relation the deques?
[1 reply] : Read this: ... (by coder777)
double linked list
Im working on a linked list project that is suppose to be a pokedex. I got it to start up, but it keeps crashing when i use case 1 which is the insert function....
[1 reply] : On line 104: first is a local variable (that shadows the respective ... (by coder777)
Reading different data types from a text file and storing into a 2d array.
So I have a text file set up as such: Johnson 5 6 7 1 9 Abby 5 3 9 7 1 Joe 99 5 7 8 1 I want to store the names in a one dimensional array and the numbe...
[1 reply] : I think you need to put the whole thing in a while loop. So while(infi... (by Momothegreat)
How Do I Declare Variable?
I'm trying to write a program that reads information and prints a payroll statement, however when I give it the name on the first cout it only gives me R instea...
[2 replies] Last: Unbelievable it worked! Thanks Dark Goomba (by plusstudent)
String occurances?
Hey I'm a college student working on a C++ Project and I'm currently in a bit of a pinch. My project involves having a user input two strings. Once the user inp...
[1 reply] : See If it returns N... (by ats15)
by dilver
I downloaded a library that is in this link: then when I tried to run this code #include<iostream> #include "BigIn...
[2 replies] Last: Have you read the README file? The following worked on Linux: g++ ma... (by norm b)
File Check and Remove program
In my line of work, I'm constantly asked to remove malware. I've come up with an concept for program that would check file attributes, sort the files into nece...
[2 replies] Last: The more I think about it the more you're right...oh took up... (by tkdkid617)
by Jetman
Issue with map array
So I'm coding emoji's into a game that I play on occasion. I originally did it as a vector array with memset, strcpy, etc., but the guys that run the server did...
[6 replies] Last: You were right, i changed it to use 2 strings & it's working fine now.... (by Jetman)
May 2015 Pages: 1... 910111213... 22
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