General C++ Programming - May 2014 (Page 26)

HTML in c++
Hi, I am making a web browser and I have successfully made it so it shows the actual html but I want to know how to run the html within the program. I am usin...
[3 replies] Last: Thx! (by closed account N04jz8AR)
"Already defined in .obj" - what?
This is my code. // Game.hpp #include <fstream> namespace data { unsigned int integer; void Load(); } // Game.cpp #include "Game.hpp" void data::Load(...
[6 replies] Last: All right, I think I get it now. Thanks for your help! (by MeNeedsHelp)
Check if a file contains a string
Hi,there is a simple way to check if a file contain a string? Thanks in advance
[1 reply] : Open file, read one line, Search that line for a match. Repeat until e... (by SamuelAdams)
Permission Grnted or Not
Im trying to write a code if the user enter 10 username and 10 password and after the the 10 username and password has been entered it should ask for again to ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks all fo help and big thanks to @ Duoas (by krrish123)
by Cyse
How to count letters of alphabet in a string?
Hello, creating a program where I count all the letters of the alphabet from a user submitted string. How would I go about this? I am completely new, so simp...
[4 replies] Last: I hope the following code helps. :) I have used Turbo C++ 4.5 #inclu... (by navtikasharma)
StringCchCat don't work at the first time
Hi,someone could explain to me why this code for (i=3;i<argc-1;i++) { StringCchCat(argv ,MAX_PATH,TEXT("-")); StringCchCat(argv ,MAX_PATH,argv...
[2 replies] Last: You are right! but why it don't work only the first time? SOLUTION ... (by Franconet)
Game design question - please help
I am creating a text adventure. There is a player class, and a map class. I will create many objects of class map, each one contains a 5 by 5 two-dimensional ar...
[4 replies] Last: A node is typically an element in a linked list or a tree that contain... (by AbstractionAnon)
saving progress of a user in quiz game
I'm making a quiz game in c++. I've already completed it. But now I've thought of creating a profile and saving the progress for the user so when he enters his ...
[3 replies] Last: You could make yourself a text based relational database using a CSV f... (by Lowest0ne)
by IGI30
Changing mouse corsors
I want to make two functions 1. to change mouse pointer to another I've done this and this is working perfectly void changecursor() { // load a copy of the c...
[no replies]
Questions about Pointers and Structs
I have a couple general questions about pointers and a struct one I'm wondering if anyone can help me out on as I'm studying for a test. These are the last ques...
[3 replies] Last: Er, almost. 1) Undefined. Anything could happen, but most likely an a... (by Duthomhas)
Sine wave movement
Hi, I am currently working on an arcade game for my final assignment this year. I am struggling to get a sine wave movement with the saucer. Here is the code fo...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you for the help (by Tarkan1857)
Quick question about pointers
I'm studying for a test and have gotten stuck explaining a certain something. The instructions are to circle the main error and describe the error. I have no p...
[1 reply] : Just use the words normally associated with pointers. For example, fo... (by TwilightSpectre)
Base-Derived function over-riding confusion
I am reading the book Accelerated C++. Following is an excerpt from the book: // Grad is a derived class of Core and regrade function is defined as follows ...
[1 reply] : Ok, I think I understand now. This link clarifies things http://publib... (by abhishekm71)
by RS365
how to implement expression parser in c++. can amyone plsssssss help ... ????? thanx in advance........... PLSSSSS NOTE :- ITS A LITTLE BIT URGENT ...... ...
[no replies]
Why is my linked list working now? Vs before?
so i had this issue with this c++ linked list error was The error is "malloc: *** error for object [address on my: pointer being freed was not allocated"...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. You can do something like Foo::Foo(int index) : index(index) {} ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Windows Forms C++ new form
[2 replies] Last: You should probably move this to the "Windows Programming" section. A... (by JLBorges)
Operator[] overload: Why do I have to define it as const function
I am trying to replicate a vector in my myVec class. When I declare the subscript operator overload as non-const, and use it in ostream << operator ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, yes Thanks! I missed the const versions in the std::vector and str... (by abhishekm71)
Reading data from text file
Hello guys, I need to read some information from a text file. The program I'm working on is like a simple betting program. What I need to read are; match_co...
[2 replies] Last: very good idea thank you ! (by tcan618)
help with my program please!
I have to print out which months have the lowest and highest amount of rainfall. I know how to find the lowest and highest value but how do I match them with t...
[2 replies] Last: The month corresponds to the array index (+1) - you could keep track o... (by wildblue)
Help on C++ Homework
I've been assigned the following assignment for my C++ class. I'm not sure where to start and some help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. a) Write a ...
[6 replies] Last: Line 16: 'input' is a char, not a string. Hence, you cannot dereferenc... (by Duthomhas)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 31
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