General C++ Programming - May 2014 (Page 18)

C++/JAVA Jobs Available
I've just heard that one of the world's leading e-Commerce companies is searching for experienced Software Engineers with 2 years C++ or Java experience to work...
[no replies]
by Zaloso
Infiling into an Array
Hello, I'm still pretty new to C++. I'm wondering if anyone can guide me in the right direction? For homework, I'm supposed to infile the following from this te...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Zaloso)
Type retrieved by the this keyword
Okay... I was wondering about something related to pointers, polymorphism, and the keyword "this". If I do something like, class celestial_body {... ...
[3 replies] Last: If you are in a member function that is in a derived class, then this... (by Disch)
constexpr Murmur3 implementation problem
Hello everybody! This little problem of mine is driving me nuts! I'm trying to implement the Murmur3 hash as a constexpr in c++11. Specifically, I'm implemen...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm, true. I didn't think that would be a problem but apparently it i... (by MrSandman)
by scooke
Absolute Path Reference
I am trying to open a file and print the contents of the file to the terminal window. It works when I put the file right in the directory with the Solution but ...
[5 replies] Last: Ugh. Does fstream set errno? You could print it out to see why it's fa... (by dhayden)
ifstream wrapper
I'm working on a class that needs to read from cin, but also needs to read the input twice. I've decided that the mechanism I want to use is to write a simple ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys! After fiddling with this code and figureing out exactly ... (by aarcame)
How to use shuffle or random function
I need help on using the shuffle, random, or random_shuffle function. I looked at the page on cplusplus, but it just confuses me, a lot. This is kinda linked to...
[1 reply] : people is an array so it doesn't have have member functions like begin... (by Peter87)
counter-controlled repetition / sentinel-controlled
Hello,this is my first time here and I am in need of some assistance I cannot figure out my two homework questions any help would be greatly appreciated thank y...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you wildblue I will try that shortly (by Cadimus)
Do you think my output is ok when I run
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class Car { private: string reportingMark; ...
[1 reply] : When you display car1, you're actually displaying car2. They're the s... (by AbstractionAnon)
x86 paging supervisor/user mode?
I'm trying to implement a paging module into my emulator. I'm kind of stuck with the supervisor/user mode detection in the paging. How does the CPU know if it's...
[no replies]
Default arguments and omitting only some of them
Hi! I am trying to figure out what's the best way to accomplish something like this: void function(t1 a=0,t2 b=0){/*...*/}; t2 value; function(value); ...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=smcguffee]Hi, I've been trying this method, but I ran into an i... (by cire)
Problem with classes
#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; class student{ private: int roll; float marks ; char nam ; publ...
[2 replies] Last: warning: ‘char* gets(char*)’ is deprecated (declared at /usr/incl... (by ne555)
Recursive Directory Scan: Can we use multi-threaading for speed?
In our Qt application, we have to load several files on application start-up starting from a root directory. We are recursively scanning the directories and ...
[9 replies] Last: There's also the Qt way: #include <QDir> #include <QDebug> #include <... (by norm b)
by shel88
how to count contiguous and common zeros in various arrays
If I have number of arrays (its 3 for instance) with fixed size (15), it consist of zeros and non-zeros eg:array1 ={5,5,0,0,4,4,4,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3} ar...
[2 replies] Last: Just '&' the respective elements at same index from all the arrays and... (by abhishekm71)
How to prompt user input only letters?
Hey everyone I am trying to write a program to get user's input but only accepts alphabetic characters, nothing else and I want it to ask the user to enter a ...
[2 replies] Last: ^^^ Also, if you ever need to check for a specific character, you can... (by Ramses12)
Deleting a vector of unique_ptr
Hi, I am currently working on a project for my programming class which involves simulating a system of particles and their interactions. I have created a System...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks very much for all your help, I managed to get there in the end,... (by alexbcg)
invalid conversion: istream to char*
Hey, I'm trying to read an istream into a file, but I'm getting the error that I invalidly tried converting std::istream to const char* . Here's the part of mai...
[7 replies] Last: ah my mistake. In my opinion if the fill function accepts a istream& ... (by Peter87)
Need help with check.
My intent was to convert the string variable for the year to an integer data type. The code compiles but now cannot run on my system. I'm not sure what's going...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. I will next time I post something up. helped a ... (by supemilio)
Watch elements of a list in debugger
How can i look into the element that are pushed into the list. Something like listPointer .heapPointer,50 class CA{ public: CA(void); CA(int heapObjec...
[3 replies] Last: > Why do you think that listPointer is unnecessary as heap allocation?... (by ne555)
by Ceset
std::map and remove_if
Hi guys. Recently i am trying to write a game state manager. And i failed to create a function that will remove all states except one. statemanager.h class ...
[6 replies] Last: But i designed this as a game state manager. So most probably more tha... (by Ceset)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 31
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