General C++ Programming - May 2014 (Page 17)

'nullptr' was not declared in this scope
I am using JGrasp as IDE. I have confirmed by "Actual command sent" that the compiler being used is TDM-GCC-64\bin\g++.exe, and I have confirmed that the editio...
[8 replies] Last: I learned why the compiler error was so misleading. '-std=c++11' was i... (by ath2441)
how do i write this in stdio.h
cout << current->number << endl;
[1 reply] : printf("%d\n", current->number); (by Peter87)
Adding employee names in function arranged program
The program that I have written below is working. It calculates a number of payroll type variables and most recently the net pay average (All this is working 1...
[8 replies] Last: It works! Seriously I'm so happy right now. I've still got to modify... (by Moonshine2183)
by rovf
It's unfair: I don't cast, but get a 'bad cast'
The following program throws a bad_cast during sorting of a vector of strings, but I am not aware that I am using a cast. For the comparision, I am using a func...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=rovf] I'm surprised that the C++ standard doesn't provide a lib... (by Duthomhas)
by dkaip
I am tryin to give fraction object in s string via template.
Hello. I am tryin to give fraction object in s string via template. Any idea how? struct Fr // simple Fraction { int num; int denom; F...
[10 replies] Last: Huh, how @Avillius? If I want to cast my class to std::string , it's o... (by iQChange)
Irrlicht pausing problems
Hi I have made an online multiplayer game. The problem is when you drag the window it pauses the engine. This is a problem because if someone moved the window t...
[1 reply] : Seems like not only irrlicht have this problem. http://stackoverflow.... (by Peter87)
regular expressions
Could anyone please help me with a link to a good tutorial on regular expressions using cpp
[4 replies] Last: Thank you (by generic2709)
Abstract class
well this is my code. i need to create a vector of pointers and hold the book objects in it. then i have a virtual function in my books which is a pure virtual...
[4 replies] Last: Alright thanks. (by generic2709)
by Tyrion
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol error
Hello, I have some problems with a source code I want to compile. I get the following error message: dna.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "...
[3 replies] Last: MSVC supports a 32bit and 64bit time_t. So there's all this stuff aro... (by kbw)
by scooke
C++ Tutor?
I am trying to parse a csv file that contains time values in each line. The time contains milliseconds. Here is the format: 13:52:01.365 I need to check f...
[no replies]
initializing vector
Using g++ 4.8.1 as compiler with -std=c++11 in the args for the compiler and linker, I used the following as the first line of main(): vector<double> data = {1...
[3 replies] Last: The '-std=c++11' argument was in ARGS2 (JGrasp compiler settings). I r... (by ath2441)
Thread with lambda function
Hi , i'm trying to realize a simple code with thread and lambda function. My goal is to swap 2 variable . I launch 2 thread, The first: Put his value in ...
[2 replies] Last: you'are right! Thanks :) Solution thread t1([&p1]()->void{ uniq... (by Franconet)
plz help
Helo all i need a programe....topic is filling here i need to add the data of five students their mobile number,address,sec, and deprtmnt....program should be l...
[5 replies] Last: If you have some problem you can't wrap your head around we can help, ... (by caleqele)
Crash on exit while multi-threading
Hi all. I'm new to C++ and I've run into a problem I can't solve, so I was wondering if I could get some help. I was writing a program and it started crashing o...
[2 replies] Last: I would never have figured that out, well, maybe in a few weeks. I tho... (by Pestery)
array container for loop
Hi; I need help with array container. More specifically, would like to know if the following for loop works as expected. I want to find all instances of a subs...
[2 replies] Last: I'm learning C++ and taking an intro class to STL and I agree that it... (by arphaksad)
Input: n (number of values in array) m (value u need to fill with the values from array) 4 100 40 50 10 30 OUTPUT 2 (50+50=100) (2 - Solution problem...
[4 replies] Last: Yes very good thank you (by topnik1)
by spitz
Looking for a C++ IDE
I'm getting into some heavier programming in C++ and need to start using an IDE to better manage my code and projects. My requirements are as follows: - I m...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, yes, I forgot about Qt Creater! As MrSandman pointed out, that is ... (by TwilightSpectre)
Thread & FILE descriptor
Hi, Is a reasonable operation, use as parameters for a thread a file descriptor? If it is possible, how can i do that? Thanks in advance
[4 replies] Last: OK,now it's clear! Thanks (by Franconet)
by homing
Pointer / References & Performance (1,2)
Hey, I know how to use pointer/references, but I'm still not sure when I should use them to get best performance for my c++ code. I read through a lot of ...
[21 replies] Last: Helo all i need a programe....topic is filling here i need to add the ... (by saddozai)
by geosun
Not sure why Variables not passing
I've got this sorting program that uses variables from another class but I'm not sure why its not recognizing it. I'm getting an error length and list not decla...
[1 reply] : refer them as this->length and this->list (by ne555)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 31
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