by tgckpg
The best way to match and replace
[7 replies] Last: You can simply have the first array sorted and apply to it either std:... (by vlad from moscow)
by gomesrod
Why is Python becoming popular among C++ developers
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the answers, now I can see some possibilities. If anybody ... (by gomesrod)
by zerg001
Generate SHA hash
[1 reply] : I almost sure that byte is a typedef for char or unsigned char (ot int... (by MiiNiPaa)
by morando
queue push crashes
[2 replies] Last: Yes, thats it, love you man. Thank you very much. I don't know how did... (by morando)
Getting Date & Time ( Getting wrong result ) |
[2 replies] Last: Hi MiiNiPaa, Thanks for your valuable answer. Its working perfectly. ... (by Ravi Prabakaran)
by nigga me
Want to access a method form .cpp file
[4 replies] Last: When I tried to compile, I got some more errors, but this is the worki... (by Fransje)
by Abhi Moz
It either prints correct value of vowels or the correct value for 'to' & 'these' but never both
[2 replies] Last: Any suggestions on how to do it in one loop itself? That would me most... (by Abhi Moz)
substring, loops and writing to a file |
[1 reply] : First a few comments: 1. Try not to use global variables. Your functi... (by ats15)
by Kronus
Check for clicks within an object
[2 replies] Last: @ats15 Sorry for not being clear, as the top code is fine. It's the c... (by Kronus)
by Awareness
Question about destructors and objects
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your answers. (by Awareness)
by Zoo
Class Templates
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much guys. I appreciate it. (by Zoo)
by Vauxhall
Sending Executable Files
[5 replies] Last: You are correct on that. just payed a visit to the Dropbox site. thank... (by Vauxhall)
by TChartHelpMe
TChart Data Files (you must see)
[no replies]
Knight's Tour |
[1 reply] : Here's what I have so far: #include "knight.h" //header file contai... (by ClydeWilliams)
by szandi
XML read and write using Lib CMarkup
[no replies]
by darkjonas8
my project just open and close fast!
[7 replies] Last: system("PAUSE") if you're a windows user. use std::cin.get(); Why?... (by keskiverto)
calendar with matrix of char |
[no replies]
by Mor cicek
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelpe please
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, I agree. Learn if that code works or not. Don't ask me to do e... (by Exiled)
by deviants
cURLpp - Help
[no replies]
by TMoney
How would I write this program?
[13 replies] Last: Why don't you show what you can do first and then come here to ask qu... (by SamuelAdams)