General C++ Programming - March 2018 (Page 5)

Sorted Sequences
I have run into an issue. I am having trouble conceptualizing how to find the most isolated element in a vector // pre: number is not empty; // number...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks kes, that looks like what im looking for (by d1g1talarts)
by cw2636
++ Operator Iterator for a BST Class
0 down vote favorite I have already created a BST class, with a root node, and left and right node. It is working perfectly. I am trying to create a ++ o...
[1 reply] : Why is this post so much shittier than your SO submission? https://st... (by helios)
by mael15
using inherited member in class template
hi everyone, i would like to use a template class and want to work with a member variable from a common parent class from within a template function: struct X...
[4 replies] Last: okay, wow, i would not have thought that it works "just like this" wit... (by mael15)
Wrong Calculating
Hello, as being new to C++ i tried to Programme an Emulator for Fibonacci-Numbers. Noticing that only the 93rd first Fibonacci-Numbers were right and the 94th w...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Bi... (by lastchance)
Help Please :'(
[12 replies] Last: Hi, I think first we need to start with the full text of the assignme... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Mk87
create matrix with 2D vector and transpose it
How I can implement the following matrix by 2D vector in C++?
[10 replies] Last: Sorry @Mk87, but you keep changing your requirements. I've given enou... (by lastchance)
Laptop recommendation
Did a search on here and saw another thread which led me to the the zenbook by Asus. New into programming but i broke my laptop and need to replace it. Anyways ...
[13 replies] Last: Cheapest you can find that has a decent feel to it. Then put cygwin a... (by zaphraud)
by ayokng
Binary Search tree from text file
Hello, I'm fairly new to C++ I was wondering if any one knew how I would implement a binary search tree that could read "user input" then search the file and...
[10 replies] Last: Sorry I completely missed that, haha. But you've been great help than... (by ayokng)
Boost cpp_bin_float_100 Buffer overrun
I'm working on some really old Windows Software (First realease in the early 90s). The current Version is developed with Visual Studio 2012. My task is to in...
[1 reply] : There's not a lot to work with here. What we know: * The program cras... (by helios)
How can I display a compile time integral constant during compilation?
is there a way to display a compile time integral constant during compilation? I tried to use static_assert() but it expects a string literal and even though I ...
[2 replies] Last: visual studio has some clever pragma (#define / macros built into the ... (by jonnin)
by Mk87
difference between void and virtual void
In the base class in visual studio, which time I must use void and virtual void and what's a difference between them?
[1 reply] : void? The void, int, double, std::vector<Foo>, etc are return types of... (by keskiverto)
Arrays in Function Paremeters
How can we pass the actual array in to the function so we can get the actual size in the function?? see: void foo(float arr ){ std::cout << sizeof(...
[15 replies] Last: Indeed. The vector is fine with OpenGL. you can declare an array wi... (by keskiverto)
Day and date validation
Input 16/05/2017, Tuesday 08/04/2017, Saturday 18/03/2017, Saturday 18/07/2017, Tuesday 16/01/2017, Monday 29/12/2017, Friday I have 10000++ input in t...
[1 reply] : The best advise I can give is that if you want someone to read your co... (by SamuelAdams)
by sage12
Basics in arrays, c++.
I'm a beginner in c++ and i have been given a project to do in c++. It may look easy to a person that has been doing this for a long time but I am still learnin...
[1 reply] : Making static array is indeed "easy". See (by keskiverto)
by nonus
Assistance with looping without array
Greetings, I am trying to write a program that takes in numbers and outputs only specific ones; highest number, lowest number, the total numbers entered, the su...
[8 replies] Last: with one full iteration For these computations one full iteration is... (by keskiverto)
Stacks using Vector class
Well I'm currently working on a Stacks program using the vector class. The program operates for a parking lot business whereby it enters license plate numbers ...
[1 reply] : Are you familar with std::vector<>' s push_back() and pop_back()? Tha... (by kbw)
How to convert an integer to a char array at compile time?
Hi, I have the following code that attempts to convert an integer to a char array at compile time but for some reason it fails. It works fine at runtime thou...
[3 replies] Last: Use snprintf() and be sure allocate the proper amount of space to hold... (by sm2345110)
Undeclared identifer
trying to figure out why I can't call my functions roulette,high low, 21, #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int highLow(int b...
[1 reply] : There are no variables named bet1, bet2 and bet3 inside the main() fun... (by Peter87)
Stacks Program (Parking Lot) utilizing vector class
Well I'm currently working on a Stacks program using the vector class. The program operates for a parking lot business whereby it enters license plate numbers o...
[1 reply] : Is this a homework where you had to do things in a certain way? The ta... (by Thomas1965)
by Jmac21
How can you Enter Data At Command Line and not use a Cout statement instead??
The user of the program should enter the input data or grades at the program execution command line.. How can you Enter Data At Command Line Instead of using a...
[2 replies] Last: Well, thats the answer the teacher wants. But what the student asked i... (by zaphraud)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 34567... 15
  Archived months: [feb2018] [apr2018]

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