by Phluxxx
Dynamic Arrays
[3 replies] Last: You can mix c and c++ to make a monstrosity like this to put into your... (by jonnin)
by DragonOsman
PPP2 Chapter 11 Exercise 3
[12 replies] Last: bool is_vowel(const char ch); void print_word(std::ostream &os, std:... (by jlb)
by dormelia
2d array maze
[no replies]
by elsa
template to return the "middle value" of an array
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> template <typename T> T findMid(T* a, const size_... (by gunnerfunner)
by ehsan96696
Circular Linked List
[2 replies] Last: My apologies, I have been at this for quite some time now and have bee... (by ehsan96696)
by mrr6870
I need help with this problem
[3 replies] Last: we don't encourage spongers, goodbye (by gunnerfunner)
by Syed Kashan
Integral of a equation
[3 replies] Last: agreed, except I would have the index of the vector be the power of x... (by jonnin)
Need some help with this. |
[1 reply] : int main(){ // forgot the parentheses } cout << "Are there any o... (by Hengry)
by arielilao21
Can I ask for help?
[4 replies] Last: Sorry, I wasn't aware of this troll either, and that wasn't my intenti... (by LinuxWizzerd)
by code4545
How Can I Stop The Loop From Asking For Input?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, my program is fully functional now. (by code4545)
by bmcd868
Struct linked list with while statement
[5 replies] Last: global and static POD are zero-initialized. Oops. I knew that. Tha... (by AbstractionAnon)
by kapil2905
Can extern and static be used together in a variable declaration.
[no replies]
by tigerlcf
Problem updating array and array pointer in "parallel_for" function
[4 replies] Last: JLBorges Thank you VERY much!!! This solved the problem!!! (by tigerlcf)
by kinjal2209
string to int
[19 replies] Last: Hello Again... Sorry for that...I was late in getting back to this thr... (by kinjal2209)
Filling three arrays at once. |
[7 replies] Last: With these sizes const std::size_t N1 = 100, N2 = 10'000, N3 = 1'000'... (by JLBorges)
by crm2017
Linked Lists Problems
[4 replies] Last: In my class we have not used vectors yet. Just using classes, structs,... (by crm2017)
by kapil2905
A design issue. How to design when we include a header file in different header files and try to use them in a cpp file.
[3 replies] Last: Thanks @AbstractionAnon :) (by kapil2905)
by mikeal200
help with a function
[5 replies] Last: void number_file (char in_stream, char out_stream); Line 8,27:... (by AbstractionAnon)
by B3b3L
Can some1 explain me this Problem!
[15 replies] Last: this is true, i called it time, its sort of pseudo code. the importan... (by jonnin)
by CaliMac42
Single Linked List
[1 reply] : First, please edit your first post to include code tags. Highlight th... (by doug4)