General C++ Programming - March 2017 (Page 10)

How To Call a Text File
Hello everyone I want to now how do I call for a text file and then output the continence of the text file into columns. Any information helps because I am pret...
[1 reply] : (by closed account 1Afj1hU5)
future value
I seem to be having trouble with my program. It was easy until my teacher decided to make it where you had to have the function outside the base program than re...
[3 replies] Last: i actually just figured it out. changed two things This fixed it: do... (by kohl5555)
call winapi function
how i can call this api: static const wchar_t *lol=L""; LRESULT WINAPI BSSSendMessageW(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { if ( msg == LV...
[no replies]
Call send message function
Hello i do this: static const wchar_t *lol=L""; LRESULT WINAPI BSSSendMessageW(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { if ( msg == LVM_INSERT...
[2 replies] Last: I did so: return baseSendMessage(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam) But now... (by omarespanol)
Invalid friend declarations in template
Hi, I have the following code which does not want to compile: template<typename RatioSequence, size_t N> struct ratio_sequence_multiply { template<...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks ... I have reported the bug to microsoft connect! Will keep th... (by JUAN DENT)
what is the relationship about cmakelists and VS project?
I create a VS2015 project from a cmakelists file, and there is a problem I do not understand, in cmakelists file I set: OPTION(SUITESPARSE "Enable SuiteSparse....
[1 reply] : (by dost6)
How to link openthread
I get these errors: C:\Users\Androide\Desktop\minhook\Dynamic>g++ -o bot.exe Dynamic.o hook.o hde32. o buffer.o trampoline.o hook.o:hook.c:(.text+0x60b): undef...
[1 reply] : (by dost6)
what's wrong with the following program?
int main() { int score; score = 1000; float & rScore = score; return 0; }
[1 reply] : rScore is a reference to a float. What float does it refer to? (by dhayden)
what's wrong with the following function?
int & plasThree(int number) { int threeMore = number + 3; return threeMore; }
[1 reply] : The function returns a reference to an integer (int &). What integer ... (by dhayden)
error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol
I'm trying to write code to read and display 10 integer values from a text file. When I try to compile my code, I get an error that says "LNK2019 unresolved e...
[2 replies] Last: Look at your declaration for readInts() and how you're calling it: De... (by AbstractionAnon)
Having Trouble Compiling GUI Example Code PPP2
I tried to compile GUI example code listing from Chapter 12, Section 12.3. Showing the output from the Build attempt will make the post go over the maximum numb...
[no replies]
Has_f<T> not working
I am trying to get a a type predicate Has_f<T> to work. It's purpose is to check if a type T has a member named f. I am interested in using the specific algorit...
[11 replies] Last: what is the difference envisaged b/w has_f() and has_Tf()? get_f_res... (by gunnerfunner)
Variadic Argument Expansion
Please consider the following variadic: template<typename... Args> constexpr bool check1() { return All(Convertible<Args, size_t>()...); } ...
[1 reply] : Briefly, All(Convertible<Args, size_t>()...) Becomes All(Convertib... (by mbozzi)
by RiCtz
grading system but i when i go to next student record it adds to the final grade to the current student record.
#include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include<fstream> using namespace std; const int SENTINEL = -1; int main() {//lo...
[1 reply] : this is my proposed program. in the first student grade it calculate c... (by RiCtz)
Metadata / Unique ID to differentiate data in C
Hi people! I am currently in a project where I should make a simulation of how a system (wearable sport device) stores data in a Flash chip. The data is i...
[1 reply] : the vector index, mentioned below link, would be the unique ID: http:/... (by gunnerfunner)
by tushu
Segmentation fault( core dump)
using namespace std; static int index = 0; class neighbor { public: int dest ; int weight; neighbor( int d= 0, int w= 0...
[3 replies] Last: @Peter87 I removed that 96 lines. Now no error. But not getting des... (by tushu)
Gauss-seidel and ASCII (1,2)
Hey I'm in mechanical engineering and hate coding lol if someone could help me with this assignment I'd really appreciate it. The Program (1) Create an ASCII...
[35 replies] Last: lmao no, who you doe? (by ar569)
Error with template class
#ifndef STACK_HPP_INCLUDED #define STACK_HPP_INCLUDED #include "NumStack.hpp" template <class T> class Stack : public NumStack { public: // Constru...
[12 replies] Last: Welcome to the forum! You didn't define or link Stack<>::add(), or yo... (by mbozzi)
Pointer to iterator is not properly working
So when I do this auto iterator = listeners_[event->type].begin(); while (iterator != listeners_[event->type].end()) { iterator->function(event); ...
[10 replies] Last: You are right, the problem is somewhere in logic. Thank you very much!... (by Putarda)
dfa automata
#include <stdio.h> #define NSTATES 3 #define NCHARS 2 #define NACCEPTS 1 int L ={{0,1},{0,2},{0,2}}; int ACCEPTS ={2}; main() { int state,ch,i; ...
[no replies]
March 2017 Pages: 1... 89101112... 19
  Archived months: [feb2017] [apr2017]

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