by SoRandom1301
How To Call a Text File
[1 reply] : (by closed account 1Afj1hU5)
by kohl5555
future value
[3 replies] Last: i actually just figured it out. changed two things This fixed it: do... (by kohl5555)
by omarespanol
call winapi function
[no replies]
by omarespanol
Call send message function
[2 replies] Last: I did so: return baseSendMessage(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam) But now... (by omarespanol)
Invalid friend declarations in template
[5 replies] Last: Thanks ... I have reported the bug to microsoft connect! Will keep th... (by JUAN DENT)
by motatamotata
what is the relationship about cmakelists and VS project?
[1 reply] : (by dost6)
by omarespanol
How to link openthread
[1 reply] : (by dost6)
what's wrong with the following program? |
[1 reply] : rScore is a reference to a float. What float does it refer to? (by dhayden)
what's wrong with the following function? |
[1 reply] : The function returns a reference to an integer (int &). What integer ... (by dhayden)
by glennyballs
error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol
[2 replies] Last: Look at your declaration for readInts() and how you're calling it: De... (by AbstractionAnon)
by DragonOsman
Having Trouble Compiling GUI Example Code PPP2
[no replies]
by SSteven
Has_f<T> not working
[11 replies] Last: what is the difference envisaged b/w has_f() and has_Tf()? get_f_res... (by gunnerfunner)
by SSteven
Variadic Argument Expansion
[1 reply] : Briefly, All(Convertible<Args, size_t>()...) Becomes All(Convertib... (by mbozzi)
by RiCtz
grading system but i when i go to next student record it adds to the final grade to the current student record.
[1 reply] : this is my proposed program. in the first student grade it calculate c... (by RiCtz)
by audricnathan
Metadata / Unique ID to differentiate data in C
[1 reply] : the vector index, mentioned below link, would be the unique ID: http:/... (by gunnerfunner)
by tushu
Segmentation fault( core dump)
[3 replies] Last: @Peter87 I removed that 96 lines. Now no error. But not getting des... (by tushu)
by Brandybuck
Gauss-seidel and ASCII (1,2)
[35 replies] Last: lmao no, who you doe? (by ar569)
by Jack816
Error with template class
[12 replies] Last: Welcome to the forum! You didn't define or link Stack<>::add(), or yo... (by mbozzi)
by Putarda
Pointer to iterator is not properly working
[10 replies] Last: You are right, the problem is somewhere in logic. Thank you very much!... (by Putarda)
by codetojoy
dfa automata
[no replies]