OpenGL: DepthTest at FBO |
[3 replies] Last: No worries, glad you got it sorted. With regards to the libraries, yo... (by MrHutch)
by aliyesami
merging programs
[1 reply] : whats the best way of doing this ? It depends on your needs. A good w... (by coder777)
by rajhansk
can't differentiate between Bool and int when overloading function
[4 replies] Last: @peter87, Thanks (by rajhansk)
by paul1004
Squelettisation image
[2 replies] Last: Bonjour, je pense que pour la squelettisation des images, il te faut u... (by chae)
by blahhh
if statement help???
[1 reply] : = and == are two different things. (by Moschops)
by glady001
Help with code
[1 reply] : total.quantity=quantity*D.quantity; // Why are you multiplying? tot... (by AbstractionAnon)
Exponentials |
[6 replies] Last: @DragonflyBeach So the back function returns the print to for (int r... (by DragonflyBeach)
by xan97der
C++ Written Homework
[6 replies] Last: Please use code tags when posting code. Highlight the code and click t... (by dhayden)
by red101
check balanced parentheses
[7 replies] Last: I would do it like that: #include <iostream> #include <string> #incl... (by Thomas1965)
by ZiMuFeng
the problem with multi inherited struct's memory-layout on linux
[2 replies] Last: What make this result? Perhaps a more important question: Why are ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ZiMuFeng
the difference memory size of struct between linux and windows
[3 replies] Last: I found something newly, and create a new topic: http://www.cplusplus... (by ZiMuFeng)
by castiglee
Need some help with looping
[1 reply] : Hi, one approach is that you store all the values entered by the user... (by Mathes)
by ekincaid2002
help with making lines of a file its own array
[3 replies] Last: while (!myfile.eof()) { getline(myfile, line); string s... (by Moschops)
by DragonOsman
Stroustrup's PPP2 std_lib_facilities.h corresponding .cpp file help needed
[4 replies] Last: Alright, got it. Thanks for the replies, guys. (by DragonOsman)
by gedamial
Clarification about dynamic allocation of a pointer-to-pointer
[7 replies] Last: Instantiating a Matrix object does not ensure that member functions wh... (by cire)
by istemihan
OpenMP: ideal way to use a shared vector
[no replies]
by nz881
Counting the number of words from a text file in C++.
[5 replies] Last: @S G H thank you so much. What you said about getline was the main rea... (by nz881)
by IWishIKnew
wxWidgets event propagation
[3 replies] Last: I'm facing a new problem now. I am switching panels in a wxSimplebook... (by IWishIKnew)
by jeffbiss1
Casting int to char: need reference
[2 replies] Last: cire, Thank you very much for that information. I couldn't find anyth... (by jeffbiss1)
by Mastaron
Need help with a programming contest exercise
[4 replies] Last: You can avoid deleting the neighbors' neighbors by changing lines 15-2... (by dhayden)