by littlecoco
using linked list store data
[2 replies] Last: int main() { info * record 1. Statement must end with semicolon. ... (by keskiverto)
by Khentse
RAISE Questions
[1 reply] : When posting code, please use code tags. Highlight the code and press ... (by dhayden)
by NickCullen
Using static const int as member variables of a class
[no replies]
by ec252
Please help with program using arrays and random numbers
[4 replies] Last: Here's an example: #include <iostream> #include <time.h> #define XM... (by mgoetschius)
by KentaH
Polymorphism - in cplusplus tutorial
[10 replies] Last: @KentaH All I see in this thread is people trying to help explain thi... (by MikeyBoy)
by josex
Newton Method
[2 replies] Last: Message for ne555: Thank you so much for your help. I am a physics ma... (by josex)
by josex
C++ need a formula in my coding
[1 reply] : (by helios)
by WakeofMisery
Binary Search Algorithm
[9 replies] Last: I think maybe I've not given as much help as needed here, so let's go ... (by Chervil)
by aruggs
C++ Roman Numeral Calculator
[2 replies] Last: If its worth doing, its worth 'over-doing'. My Roman Numeral calcula... (by da peppester)
Why does sizeof and _count work on static array but not dynamic array? |
[3 replies] Last: I am made more curious by the last statement which says "Yes, the syst... (by curiousengineer)
by sasi1217
default values
[1 reply] : void SetValue(const int val = 0); int main() { SetValue(); SetVa... (by coder777)
by buddha87
the packet size of using socket
[1 reply] : The fragemtation depends on the underlying hardware on the sender and ... (by coder777)
by cplusplus77
[1 reply] : To erase the last letters you can use erase(): pigLatWord.erase(pigL... (by coder777)
by ep7network
How to output function
[1 reply] : The only way to determine which function to call will be in the provid... (by coder777)
by tdyoung
Function trouble
[2 replies] Last: In case you want to convert the string back to an int. http://www.cplu... (by integralfx)
by sasi1217
string streams
[3 replies] Last: specifically objects of istrstream and ostrstream classes Actually, ... (by andywestken)
by sasi1217
Inline function in C++ and its usage with example
[1 reply] : Read the study material that you have. Websearch for more. (by keskiverto)
by SVDW09
Programming Assignment Help
[5 replies] Last: After a few minor adjustments to your code, I finally got it to work p... (by SVDW09)
by systux
What is DWORD?
[5 replies] Last: hmm, i see. interesting (by systux)
by baesmar99
I need help please
[1 reply] : There are a lot of things wrong with this code. A major one is that th... (by aphillips801)