by technologist
what's wrong with this function?
[11 replies] Last: awesome thx t (by technologist)
Class to store and convert complex numbers |
[1 reply] : Line 19, 26: You have identical constructors. PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (... (by AbstractionAnon)
problem using std::forward
[1 reply] : I just want to perfect-forward the variable number of arguments recei... (by Cubbi)
Code dependent on template argument?
[2 replies] Last: great!! thanks!!! (by JUAN DENT)
by Furyoku
Sound input and output
[1 reply] : Have a look here: (by Thomas1965)
by Xriuk
Visual C++ complains about ambiguous overload
[5 replies] Last: @naraku9333 Thanks, This worked! If I undestood correctly what happene... (by Xriuk)
by sgluicheukon
How to read a list of num and then adding the even number??
[1 reply] : cin >> x >> y >> z >> etc would do, but you'd have to do exactly ... (by Moschops)
by jwoot001
Loop if Invalid input
[no replies]
by Gyiove
calculating avarage and not letting sum/count to go too high
[9 replies] Last: To estimate the error in computing the average as a moving average: ... (by JLBorges)
by jackraj25
JPIP Streaming Images(with download images client end)byte by byte save single same file of bitmap file folder c++
[no replies]
Help! Inheritance-BankAccount/CheckingAccount Assignment
[no replies]
by ec252
Why isn't my code working the way I want it to?
[1 reply] : //Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23026 for x86... (by JLBorges)
by Ekul520
Scrabble scoring using arrays
[no replies]
by demoylan
Do goto blocks execute even if there is no goto?
[10 replies] Last: > Should breaks and continues be avoided? break , continue and go... (by JLBorges)
by terk11
C++ How do I include these functions into my main function and prototypes. Also how do I set the parameters
[no replies]
by OliviaD
Infinite loop
[1 reply] : You need to accumulate statistics about the input. Store information i... (by keskiverto)
by gradku
C++ reading in from text file for comparisons
[3 replies] Last: Hey, thank you guys for your inputs. I've been stuck on this problem f... (by gradku)
by Xriuk
How does preprocessor replacement works?
[3 replies] Last: 1. A function-like macro should behave like a function so you should w... (by aphillips801)
by rabster
Questions about vectors.
[7 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for the information! Definitely helped give me more in... (by rabster)
by toch
vector problem
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot keskiverto, your help solve my problem, thanks again, I f... (by toch)