General C++ Programming - March 2016 (Page 20)

The errors?
Tried running this below..It compiles but I don't understand errors around lines 45-47 #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> usin...
[2 replies] Last: It doesn't compile. This is not valid code sList. .studentFName sLis... (by Thomas1965)
tution program
cant figure out class problem this is what i have so far The University of Guiness charges $3000 per semester for in-state tuition and $4500 per semester for ...
[1 reply] : Remember that the comparison operator is == not = Behind an if or else... (by Thomas1965)
OpenGL crashed
I am making C++ / OpenGL application and when I run it I get error Exception thrown at 0x0000000 in OpenGL.exe 0x0000005: Access violation executing...
[3 replies] Last: Why don't you show us the code? (by Thomas1965)
Are non real world object classes valid?
While it is logical and reasonable to create classes that serve to instantiate interactable objects, such as a Dog class, is it also valid to create classes tha...
[9 replies] Last: @ Cubbi IMO There is a better format of the guideline here: https:/... (by TheIdeasMan)
Classes and reading text file
Hello, I've been banging my head against this for a bit now. The assignment is to make a Question class with children QuestionTF and QuestionMC. It will read...
[7 replies] Last: I just wanted to thank you for your help. Once I really started to und... (by anomalous)
Right way to return a local variable
Hi guys, I know that this is not good C++ form at all, right?: Mytype func(Mytype my) { Mytype m = my; return m; } This is bad because I am returnin...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, thanks! (by theturk1234)
Fastest Pocount Implementation
Hi guys, I was wondering which way was the fastest for counting the bits set in a 64-bit long long int I have been developing a chess engine lately and for ...
[5 replies] Last: I see. I'm on Windows and right now I have no intention to port the en... (by theturk1234)
recursion problem
I have a simple program using recursion function. #include <iostream> void myFunction(int); using namespace std; int main() { myFunction(4); return 0; ...
[4 replies] Last: Recursion does not always require a stack of function calls and it i... (by cire)
How do I insert the structs?
I have to put this into a struct and I'm confused on what to do. This is my code so far... #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using ...
[1 reply] : You seem to have forgotten the instructions OP. Also, code tags. (by Computergeek01)
Please help me in this code
Remove the error please . My head is burst #include <iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> using namespace std; class Batsman { publi...
[6 replies] Last: You have been asked multiple times to use code tags. PLEASE DO SO. ht... (by AbstractionAnon)
Binary Search Problem
Hello guys I create a code for Binary Tree. This program read values from a file to insert into a tree. the files contains number like 100,715,6161,1,50,etc. ...
[1 reply] : Ok, On line 15, you do not have legal C++ syntax. Hang on a second wh... (by theturk1234)
How to use the standard fuctions with InfInt?
Hello to everybody. When i started programming, i always found an article that suited my needs. In this case, i can't find anything, so i thought i 'll write my...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the extra answer Peter87! Although i am not sure how to con... (by Poetjockey)
External problem with constructor of a class
Hi. I'm trying to build a Linked List that will hold objects of previously defined class; I'm working in VS2010, and it's giving me problems. Please take a lo...
[1 reply] : This means that you're tying to use a function (or other such) it can'... (by Moschops)
Writing a Phone OS
Hello, I have a Motorola Droid 2 Global Android phone that I am no longer using. What I want is a basic phone with a big screen and a physical keyboard. I like ...
[3 replies] Last: Basically Android runs in a linux environment. You need root access to... (by coder777)
by JoGooD
Getting sound amplitude of a given input/ouput
Hello, According to this thread: you can get the amplitude which is related t...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, pretty sure that's done through stereomix. (by xismn)
How can I write and read binary data...
Hello, I would like to ask you if you can help me with the following coding. The first thing is to have the data below which may have random number of rows a...
[4 replies] Last: Pardon me. That's what I meant. (by theturk1234)
by josex
C++ Function
Can Someone help me. I am not a computer major, but need only one semester of c++ as a chem science major. Please tell me if I completed the coding correctly ...
[1 reply] : Are you asking us to do your assignment for you? I can't do that for y... (by theturk1234)
Pulling individual numbers from an input
I'm having a problem with my program. When I input 1234, I get the correct display: 1 2 3 4 and the sum is 10. However, when I input more than 4 numbers, the ...
[6 replies] Last: There is an entirely approach, which should be able to handle much lar... (by keskiverto)
Issues with Discriminant program
I'm having issues with the code below: #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream fin("...
[5 replies] Last: Provide your updated code. Note that your specifications gave you exp... (by cire)
March 2016 Pages: 1... 181920212223
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