by Sparrow17
Simple issue (I hope)
[4 replies] Last: thanks man! (by Sparrow17)
by devonrevenge
Totally perplexing SFML socket receive bug, cant find a logical foot hold to start debugging
[2 replies] Last: oh cos I was copy pasting stuff all over the place during testing, I w... (by devonrevenge)
by technologist
can I move the array element?
[3 replies] Last: Function shuffle_deck() should have the deck passed by reference with ... (by Chervil)
by samarth123
[1 reply] : Well just to give you a place to start, here is a function I whipped u... (by closed account 2UD8vCM9)
by user6677
Visual studio C ++ 2013 displays errors in standard * .h files
[1 reply] : Copy+paste the errors here. (by kind9)
by Skartik
A string parser over std::string
[no replies]
by ikruz98
SDL2 flickering rect. Unclear how to properly use SDL_RenderClear
[2 replies] Last: wow thanks alot helios, that fixed my problem. much appreciated :) (by ikruz98)
by TestZombie
Looking for better way to write/read files
[1 reply] : Writing one file with 100 variables is more efficient than writing 100... (by Thomas1965)
by noleguy87
âStackâ does not name a type
[9 replies] Last: Hi, The #include is just like one had copy / pasted the contents ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Terribad13
Array of Objects
[2 replies] Last: Not a function call: transaction .getDoughnuts function call: tra... (by cire)
by mahdiz
Boost graph library c++/ Minimum Cost Maximum Flow Algorithms
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Honestly, I want to raise another question. Currently, I used succ... (by mahdiz)
by landlord2017
Access matrix by an array indexing in C++
[9 replies] Last: @ doug4 Yeah, that was what got my interest in this question too... J... (by Duthomhas)
Using files with programming |
[2 replies] Last: I think this is just based on notepad. Im thinking more database progr... (by ManBearPigIsReal)
by Mazino013
Help Out!!!
[no replies]
by gaumap
How to write a lin_search using C-style string/string class?
[2 replies] Last: Hi, thank you for the reply. I have fixed the problem with the search ... (by gaumap)
by AmmmG 01
A List of #include(s)
[1 reply] : Standard header files: (by JLBorges)
by phsyrik
Where can I go online to learn GUI?
[1 reply] : There is a multitude of different GUI libs. I like GTK+(using gtkmm C+... (by kind9)
by Dragneel
[1 reply] : please help me fix changing the pin program. (by Dragneel)
by Idiotal
SFML sprite is undefined
[1 reply] : You can't use a variable before you have created it. (by Peter87)
by PiProject
Funky Town Raspberry Pi
[1 reply] : The problem you're facing is that you need to understand the provided ... (by coder777)