General C++ Programming - March 2016 (Page 15)

by mbniko
Doubly Linked List Help
[5 replies] Last: @mike9407 That's a bit rich coming from you: you seem to be always c... (by TheIdeasMan)
Debug Assertion Failed! String subscript out of range
Hello, I'm trying to read a file and store information into struct array. Now, I've done this before, and even this code works great on Code::Blocks, but I get ...
[9 replies] Last: But because the memory was never deleted you create a memory leak of ... (by cire)
by Gyiove
Bias problem in my Artificial neural network
Hello everyone. I wrote my own artifical neural network class and in some reason when i add bias neuron to a middle layer where hidden neurons are then it does...
[13 replies] Last: > Your input neuron seems useless I agree but in diagram, i created t... (by Gyiove)
Very simple DSP filter - not working as intended
EDIT: the N and M were used before (I used dynamic arrays *X_Global/Local before) EDIT#2: I changed the shifting loop part "m = 0; to for (n = 0; n < ...
[no replies]
by gnarly
exponential form instead of decimal
okay so I dont know how to fix this, im trying to get 3021869 and im getting 3.02187e+006. im not quite sure why, i tried to change my double to a long double a...
[2 replies] Last: The default precision is 6 significant digits. You can change that by ... (by Chervil)
The sub-thread and main thread cleanup'clean
#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <string> struct A { std::string message; public: A(const std::string& m):message(m){} ~A(){std::c...
[1 reply] : Because the thread does not end due to the while(true){} . It will be... (by coder777)
by jeff14
Redirect output into a file
How do you redirect output into a file?
[2 replies] Last: In case you don't want to modify the code you can redirect on the term... (by naraku9333)
auto vrs decltype(auto)
Hi, Why do we have 2 ways of deducing types: using auto and using decltype(auto)? Thanks, Juan
[3 replies] Last: Difference from decltype Unfortunately, there is no way to get th... (by JLBorges)
Binary Search
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <bitset> using nam...
[2 replies] Last: Okay got it. Thanks. (by HumbleAAT)
by mgolf
c++ Homework
How do I use a prime read and sentinel value to control the repetition involved. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <math.h> using namespace ...
[1 reply] : Adding to my comment at the top I have to use an input of -9.99 for t... (by mgolf)
ICAO Alphabet. Extend the program
ICAO Alphabet. Extend the program using the switch statement, so that it inputs a string and outputs the series of ICAO words that would be used to spell it out...
[1 reply] : I Got It !!!! #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace s... (by stormy6161)
Why this code don't solved in
This Problem name "Jolly Jumper" please help me . i try to submit but it wrong answer #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; bool JJ...
[2 replies] Last: There's some test cases here: (by Chervil)
2D dynamic array allocation from text file
Trying to program a maze to read in a text file and place it into a 2D dynamic array. The first line is the dimensions of the maze and the next part is the actu...
[6 replies] Last: oh ok. Sorry after I posted I modified my code and put infile ... (by Rodr1697)
Adding/Subtracting time
Hello ! I'm new to this website and was wondering if I could get some help with my project. I would like to do a program that can calculate time for example the...
[8 replies] Last: Technically, to manipulate calendar time in terms of hours, minutes et... (by JLBorges)
by guru23
Printing array backwards
Why's this program throwing me an error? I could've sworn this is the way to print an array backwards. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namesp...
[1 reply] : length() is a member function. That could work with for example a st... (by Chervil)
Is there an active C++ opensource project similar to loki?
Hi, I want to keep learning C++ with an opensource project, but loki is not active. So which project is good, similar to loki, focus on C++ programming and des...
[2 replies] Last: I want to keep learning C++ with an opensource project, What do you... (by Thomas1965)
by shalin
RFID reader programming
Hi friends, Can anyone help me with this? i don't know how to proceed this code further..showing errors.i need to communicate with a hardware device(Reading c...
[no replies]
by shalin
Initialization in C++
Can anyone suggest me how to initialize 00000FF1A in C++? i have to give this as a data to read to a hardware interface..please help me
[2 replies] Last: thank u sooo much... (by shalin)
Array: store names, removeName gives error!
Hey all! I was working on a homework assignment and an error keeps popping up under the 'removeName' This is the entire code that I wrote out. I would appreciat...
[1 reply] : In line 13 you created a vector contains string not a class or struct ... (by Calcushtag)
by shalin
RFID reader programming
I think anyone of you can help me if iam clear in my questions.I need to write a dll for M18 long range RFID reader.Iam not clear about serial programming.I kno...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for your reply (by shalin)
March 2016 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 23
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