by shalin
char to byte
[4 replies] Last: thanqqq friends (by shalin)
by mkb555
Accessing a vector of nodes in a node
[3 replies] Last: `a' is a pointer, you need to derefence it to work with the object tha... (by ne555)
by Ferris
Reading data from a file
[3 replies] Last: Hi, and is a keyword, means the same as && . There are a bunch of... (by TheIdeasMan)
What Compiler do you use? |
[4 replies] Last: For IDE: QtCreator, KDevelop Qt is a large GUI frame work KDevelop ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Faizan008
Bubble sorting error
[1 reply] : you are stepping out of bounds. for(j=0;j<=4;j++) { if(arr >arr[j+... (by ne555)
by plusjuice
Adding/Subtracting Limit
[5 replies] Last: No problem, glad to help:D. (by McNo)
Trouble with std::out << std::string
[2 replies] Last: Got it, thanks!! (by JUAN DENT)
by technologist
initialize a new pointer to an existing array
[3 replies] Last: I thought that as well. This was a posted example of using a pointer t... (by technologist)
by noverias
How to Implement List of Lists
[3 replies] Last: I would recommend to make the nodes to have a list instead of a pointe... (by ne555)
by nvurdi
Should I use a map, 3D array, or stick with a stack?
[1 reply] : what if: Instead of storing braces in vector, you should just count th... (by Gyiove)
by csstudent123
casting char ptr to int ptr...big number output
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, :) well I was looking at c code for printf but ya thought f u... (by csstudent123)
by KMagic
Removing records in the middle of the file
[1 reply] : One way to it is copy the remaining records to a new file, delete the ... (by Thomas1965)
by ajith mk
Inheriting constructors
[2 replies] Last: Aye, aye. Got it. So copy/move constructors, copy/move assignments(fro... (by ajith mk)
by ajith mk
Slicing problem when copying derived class
[no replies]
by talor115
c++ A program that delete comments from fstream file
[no replies]
by LordRogue90
C++ for loop problem, last value negative Help
[3 replies] Last: first loop starts at 0 and stops at 9 second loop starts at 1 and stop... (by ne555)
by immortal192
Professor's code not compiling (#include cannot find file in the same directory as main.cpp)
[15 replies] Last: Yup, turns out installing MinGW's 64-bit variant (the provider of this... (by immortal192)
by qq1041480572
Can someone help me?
[1 reply] : Instead of int howmanynegs (int x, int y, int z) try making a functi... (by McNo)
by TheCoolest2
How do I count elements in a hash table?
[no replies]
Constructing error_conditions does not work!!
[4 replies] Last: Got it! You are absolutely right!! Thanks! (by JUAN DENT)