General C++ Programming - March 2015 (Page 16)

arrays with ints and chars
i've been asked to make make a game and it includes printing game board as nxn array and upon user input it needs to reveal a "card" on the first input and an...
[no replies]
by yj1214
Python vs C++ speed
I'm not asking which language is faster. Recently, I made two 'printing' programs with Python and C++. Mainly because I wanted to know which language is faster...
[12 replies] Last: The GCC and Clang have a large selection of options for both optimiza... (by Disch)
by jeyes
[2 replies] Last: we dont do homework for you. show us what you have and what you dont u... (by Little Bobby Tables)
closing program
i want to close my program saying THANK YOU when it comes press any key to continue ..... and program closed i want to make program run after this happens ...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry but this is not a homework site. Show us what you've done and we... (by TarikNeaj)
help me for this array pointer
plis somebody help me, i have this code, but i dont know what the next code to find a word from the array A B C D E... plis help meeee #include <iostream> u...
[1 reply] : If we take array B for example. You have 5 letters in it, making the a... (by TarikNeaj)
by VVS
creating 2 rectangular prism program?
[1 reply] : Just create 2 randomly generated rectangle cubes and dump their inform... (by poteto)
by Gsnore
Help Please
I am trying to write a snippet of code that solves this problem: Suppose that overspeed and fine are double variables. Assign the value to fine as follow...
[3 replies] Last: In the given solution, the first line fails if overspeed is equal to 0... (by c2go)
Different Compiler Error
Hello everyone I'm new to C++, and need help a with a program. #include<iostream> // std::cout, std::endl #include <iomanip> // std::setfill, std::s...
[14 replies] Last: I ended up kind of rewriting the program. (by plusstudent)
A calender App in C++
I am designing a calender App in c++ that functions upon the year input. I got a sample code online and i am trying to understand it but i am stuck somewhere....
[4 replies] Last: Thanks so much. I am to give it a try. I would give you a reply soon (by Linux hini)
by xystus
Array of random numbers
I'm trying to make an array that uses a basic for look to fill up the array with a random number. currently i have: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib....
[2 replies] Last: //initialize random seed: srand (time(NULL)); int RandNum ; for (int... (by zippo88)
I have a function which allocates a significant amount of dynamic memory which is no longer required after it returns. I followed the approach describe...
[10 replies] Last: Hi JBL, Been away, so slow reply. We have been doing a lot of work o... (by Jeff Whittle)
do while
Warning 2 warning C4996: 'scanf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using scanf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. ...
[4 replies] Last: When posting code, please enclose it in code tags. Highlight the code ... (by dhayden)
How to sort pointers?
so I have something like: struct Something { int number; Something* next; }; And I want to sort them, by the number, though I don't want to chan...
[6 replies] Last: Take a node from existing list. Find insertion location in a tempora... (by Lauke)
How to change a tile in a tile map like in level editor (SDL)
I'm making a 2D rpg game with a level editor so I dont need to hard code every level. I have created a tile map that I load into the program from a text file, a...
[7 replies] Last: Have fun making your game ;) (by Gamer2015)
by Lauke
Byte/Bit order in floating point representation
Hi guys, A trivial question (maybe...). I'm designing a library for math computation, and i was going to use the "bit field" to design my numerical data, i'm...
[3 replies] Last: On almost every implementation, std::numeric_limits<>::is_iec559 wou... (by JLBorges)
2D table with templated types
I'm working on a logging utility for a real-time application. The user of this class should be able to specify addresses and names of parameters to save during...
[3 replies] Last: If you have a solution to your problem please mark this question as an... (by Gamer2015)
by Fink
"HELP"what is the CODE in this output?
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z encipher decipher Exit Enter choice: e Enter message to encrypt: (INPUT USER) Enter key:...
[1 reply] : Hello and welcome to the internet. Please read this: http://www.cplus... (by ahcfan)
This program is about computing what the buyer supposed to pay. (Funeral System)
Hi guys, i'm doing this funeral system and the first choice of the 2nd question is ok (a) but the 2nd 3rd and 4th choice doesn't make sense T____T when i input ...
[2 replies] Last: An if clause requires for more than one statement { } in order to dete... (by coder777)
Dynamically allocating structure array
structure *test = new structure ; or structure *test = {new structure, new structure}; Curious, which one of these do you guys think are actually better. I...
[2 replies] Last: In addition to what MiiNiPaa says: The second is slower since it does... (by dhayden)
sentinel while
Hai ! I really need a help about sentinel while. tbh I still cant get idea how sentinel working. here's the Q : two numbers are taken for evaluation. while fi...
[2 replies] Last: you mean initialize int num ? or others int ? (by summerfly)
March 2015 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 28
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