by ciniminis
arrays with ints and chars
[no replies]
by yj1214
Python vs C++ speed
[12 replies] Last: The GCC and Clang have a large selection of options for both optimiza... (by Disch)
by jeyes
[2 replies] Last: we dont do homework for you. show us what you have and what you dont u... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by alizaib
closing program
[4 replies] Last: Sorry but this is not a homework site. Show us what you've done and we... (by TarikNeaj)
by alun25252
help me for this array pointer
[1 reply] : If we take array B for example. You have 5 letters in it, making the a... (by TarikNeaj)
by VVS
creating 2 rectangular prism program?
[1 reply] : Just create 2 randomly generated rectangle cubes and dump their inform... (by poteto)
by Gsnore
Help Please
[3 replies] Last: In the given solution, the first line fails if overspeed is equal to 0... (by c2go)
by plusstudent
Different Compiler Error
[14 replies] Last: I ended up kind of rewriting the program. (by plusstudent)
by Linux hini
A calender App in C++
[4 replies] Last: Thanks so much. I am to give it a try. I would give you a reply soon (by Linux hini)
by xystus
Array of random numbers
[2 replies] Last: //initialize random seed: srand (time(NULL)); int RandNum ; for (int... (by zippo88)
by Jeff Whittle
[10 replies] Last: Hi JBL, Been away, so slow reply. We have been doing a lot of work o... (by Jeff Whittle)
by alvin1218
do while
[4 replies] Last: When posting code, please enclose it in code tags. Highlight the code ... (by dhayden)
How to sort pointers? |
[6 replies] Last: Take a node from existing list. Find insertion location in a tempora... (by Lauke)
How to change a tile in a tile map like in level editor (SDL)
[7 replies] Last: Have fun making your game ;) (by Gamer2015)
by Lauke
Byte/Bit order in floating point representation
[3 replies] Last: On almost every implementation, std::numeric_limits<>::is_iec559 wou... (by JLBorges)
by Stewbond
2D table with templated types
[3 replies] Last: If you have a solution to your problem please mark this question as an... (by Gamer2015)
by Fink
"HELP"what is the CODE in this output?
[1 reply] : Hello and welcome to the internet. Please read this: http://www.cplus... (by ahcfan)
by spongeBob
This program is about computing what the buyer supposed to pay. (Funeral System)
[2 replies] Last: An if clause requires for more than one statement { } in order to dete... (by coder777)
by cmajor28
Dynamically allocating structure array
[2 replies] Last: In addition to what MiiNiPaa says: The second is slower since it does... (by dhayden)
by summerfly
sentinel while
[2 replies] Last: you mean initialize int num ? or others int ? (by summerfly)