General C++ Programming - March 2015 (Page 10)

String pointers help needed
There are these two practice problems I'm stuck on right now: 1. Write a function that prompts the user to enter his or her first name and last name, as two ...
[1 reply] : I already did the first one with references. Please, show that code.... (by keskiverto)
i begined reading "thinging in c++" volume 1, end at chapter 4 there's program called CStash - its suposed to be like <vector> - to allow data of basic types in...
[1 reply] : ok i solved all problems and done for char arrays too (^_^) (by lmfaomanwtf)
point of sale system and inventory
How do you create a point of sale system program that deducts the inventory when one/more items are purchased?
[9 replies] Last: Okay so, the code is fairly long but looks simple. Can you tell me wha... (by TarikNeaj)
[C++] Sockets - How to close particular connection ?
Hey guys, i have question . Does someone know how to close particular connection from client ? I mean that when i write closesocket(Connection) then it closes...
[no replies]
by oseri
Are there "Will it compile?" quizes/tests ?
Basically I'm searching for a website that would have fragments of code which I would have to analyze whether will it compile or not. Preferably, I'd most we...
[1 reply] : Damn I would love this aswell! (by TarikNeaj)
help needed. using C program
How do you create a point of sake system program that deducts the inventory when one/more items are purchased?
[no replies]
Pointers and Structs Practice Problems - need help
I'm on pointers and structs now and I have these Practice Problems on structures: Practice problems 1. Write a program that lets the user fill in a single stru...
[7 replies] Last: Alright, thanks. What about the spaceships, though? (by DragonOsman)
How We Can Move Triangle in C++???
Hy plz tell me how we can move triangle n c++
[1 reply] : what? xD I have no idea what you're asking. (by TarikNeaj)
Hi, some advice would be much appreciated.
So, I've got this assignment from university, the prof asked us to use the time function to record the clock in/out times of employees of a company using either...
[3 replies] Last: The thing is, i do not know how to write the program so that it record... (by Remus10)
The Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers, stuck in an infinite loop
My problem here is that when I try to find all the multiples of two and zero them out I get stuck in an infinite loop of 2, I am unsure how to find multiples of...
[13 replies] Last: I'm sure someone else... (by fg109)
Knapsack Problem
Hi. I am a beginner to C++ programming and i am finding difficulty in writing program for knapsack problem. Please help me out with this coding part. I have...
[2 replies] Last: Can you show us more of the problem? If you need to send files, email... (by Little Captain)
I found a thread telling me how to incorporate Borland graphics in to codeblocks. The answer was provided by Duoas. Can anyone tell me if this will work on 64 b...
[8 replies] Last: Just use damn dosbox. (by poteto)
by yj1214
function in outside of public, private and protected.
class Foo{ int x; public: private: protected: }; Where does x belong to? I saw bucky's template tutorial and he puts his te...
[1 reply] : For a class, the default protection level is private For a struct, ... (by Disch)
functionality adapter error
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <functional> class A { public: bool operator()(int x, int y) { return x > y; ...
[2 replies] Last: Many Thanks! I just found, I lost some types definitions(first_argume... (by Wu zhen hai)
Convert between stereo split and interleaved
Would this be the best way to convert between stereo split and stereo interleaved audio data? void* split_to_interleaved(char *dest, size_t byteWidth, siz...
[no replies]
Linked List problem ?
This code keeps giving me an error after I input the array size. I am using Windows btw. Something in the code is stopping the run time, I cannot see what it ...
[9 replies] Last: WTF. -________- I was just looking for a syntax error like this......... (by HumbleAAT)
Can't post new topic with code
Why can't I post my code? Second I can't use the code format ?
[3 replies] Last: No problem (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
Pointer data copying
I have this Int32, Int64, Float32, or Float64 pointer that contains A LOT of dynamically allocated memory. I need to be able to copy data from an Int32 pointer ...
[3 replies] Last: casting (and especially normalizing) has some additional overhead, so ... (by Disch)
confused about the output to this function I wrote
i am confused about the output #include<iostream.h> #include<lvp\string.h> #include"StringUtility.h" int main() { String word("Sally sells sea shells, at the...
[4 replies] Last: the expected output is: Allysay ellssay easay ellsshay, atway ethay ... (by bug2207)
Substr help me
hello lets say we have string x = "5885"; we can get first two elements like string y = x.substr(0,2); or smth like that and if i want to get the elements from...
[2 replies] Last: smac thanks but its kinda Big task , while i was thinking how to creat... (by Tommy1998)
March 2015 Pages: 1... 89101112... 28
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