by LB
Calling the destructor + placement new
[5 replies] Last: Thanks JLBorges. For the benefit others to understand "It is unspeci... (by kannanmj)
by ANewbToThis
Median number?
[1 reply] : First sort the sequence, then apply: Median for an odd sequence of nu... (by n4nature)
by jmichae3
vector<u16string>, cout, ostringstream not working together
[10 replies] Last: tried typedef std::basic_ostringstream<char16_t> uostringstream; typ... (by jmichae3)
by mariuszp
streambuf for socket
[7 replies] Last: [quote=Computergeek01]Assuming that you know what you're talking about... (by LB)
by snowbrdd
I need some help revising.
[no replies]
by northfly
How would you design the data structure under this circumstance?
[7 replies] Last: Sets don't have indexes, but they prevent duplicate objects. I just re... (by LB)
by SophieEEE
Select a field using conio
[no replies]
by moody22
please help me
[1 reply] : What is your question? What don't you understand about the description... (by Zhuge)
by Wcanada1
classes help Please!
[no replies]
by Cbasic88
How do I <<"output sections of txt code in random order " << endl ;
[4 replies] Last: Ok I have sorted it out by changing the names of the const, and char, ... (by Cbasic88)
infix to postfix conversion function error |
[no replies]
by brichz
C++ and Qt for android programming
[3 replies] Last: OP is probably talking about qt mobile which lets you write apps using... (by Smac89)
by Stormboy
Deleting a linked list
[4 replies] Last: Allright, thanks for your help! :) (by Stormboy)
by banorwood
How do I correct these?
[1 reply] : you need to be more specific. what is there to correct? also, what do ... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by Just Me
Decrypting and encrypting following a certain protocol?
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for everything! :D (by Just Me)
by owj549
C help
[5 replies] Last: I tried entering random numbers , and all the roots came out the same ... (by owj549)
by jbush
yargato gnu toolchain, cant get it to work
[no replies]
by Alby94
POSIX Threads
[6 replies] Last: Thanks L B... im idiot xD (by Alby94)
by y510
Array for message manipulations and Encryptions/Decryption sorta
[2 replies] Last: That was only an example of what i meant not the actual output that wi... (by y510)
by shaytn
Fotran program
[11 replies] Last: Can you ask your classmates for an example input file? (by LB)