General C++ Programming - March 2014 (Page 24)

Plz give me a solution about 'a.out' issue
Question: The positive integer has to be input in the program first, and the program should check if the number exists in the pre-set numbers of the data file. ...
[1 reply] : [quote=tommytaylorkim]...I REALLY WANT YOU TO MAKE THE RIGHT PROGRAM F... (by booradley60)
a White pixel value different from 255
Hello, I am working on image processing in C + + and opencv, I treat images in grayscale, ie the pixel values ​​it must be between 0 (black) to 255 (whit...
[4 replies] Last: also, you've got to enable warnings. < double >(i,j... (by ne555)
by Zorak
Input Date field in a comment
Hello everybody ! I am building a template for CodeBlocks, which pre-write some includes, the main skull and a header. This header looks like that : /** * ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, Thank you Smac89 for your answer, I don't want to update fields... (by Zorak)
Need help converting numbers into words
Hi, I am trying to read into a file that has something like I have 5 apples and 9 bananas. Sam has 8 apples and 6 bananas. and I need to replace the numb...
[2 replies] Last: First: never loop on EOF. It can cause problems, rather loop on the g... (by TwilightSpectre)
Hi, I have a life changing exam today(its 12.45am here). Now i bumped in a sample question i have collected. It prompts to correct the error but i cant find any...
[4 replies] Last: oh,Thanks guys I never knew that fact....Now i can nail that kinda que... (by anandkrishnan)
by Dkob1
Need Help right now on project
This is a Tic Tac Toe Project and I have to do it by tomorrow, need help fast. Your program should: 1. Prompt the user to type in the state of the ...
[no replies]
Char - Adding ABCs (letters)?...
I'm wondering how I can go back to an alphabet letter I want that letter to land on? Adding capital letters. Lower case letters not needed. For exa...
[4 replies] Last: Ah. Thanks! (by ANewbToThis)
Scientific notation to decimal?
Im recently new to prgramming and just wrote code that is a program for a relativity calculator. However many of my outputs (because the values tend to be large...
[1 reply] : fixed might help get the output formatted as you want. You can also ... (by wildblue)
Operations on enumerations
I'm used to writing enums for enumerated types. However I have this: enum Colour { BLUE = 0x01, BLACK = 0x02, WHITE = 0x04, GREEN = 0x08, R...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. Never knew I could define logical operators for my enum. Hop... (by Stewbond)
Output required
Please explain how to find out the answer Find the output of the following program: #include <iostream.h> void Secret(char Str[ ]) { for (int L=0;Str !=...
[4 replies] Last: sorry i meant deprecated. but i believe his compiler is outdated, whic... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by bbb718
how do i get the larger 2 out of 3 integers? (1,2)
does anyone know how to write a simple function that will take 3 ints and find the sum of the higher 2? this is what i got so far int findsum(int a,int b,i...
[24 replies] Last: cire rewrote the maxofthree() code that you had with ternary opera... (by cire)
MFC Drawing Circle instead of square in tutorial code
Hi, Found a good beginner's tutorial to learn Visual C++: with source code: http://w...
[6 replies] Last: I will try to do this as suggested, see if I can get it to work. Than... (by saratogacoach)
migration from vs2003 to vs2010 errors
hello, i've converted my solution from vs2003 to vs2010 im getting some linker errors -> Error 93 error LNK2005: _UnhandledExceptionFilter@4 already defined ...
[1 reply] : probably some dependencies changes in later vs2010 libs. Each cpp file... (by tath)
Why isn't m function working?
My question is.. Program will have user enter an integer between 1 and 100, anything else will cause the loop and program to quit. This integer is first test...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> void EvenOdd (int Integer) { if ((Integer % ... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
still need help beginner function, program running in loop now
when i add the next function the previous results i get from the previous functions wont show anymore and it will only output the new functions results , how wo...
[6 replies] Last: thanks , that fixed the problem (by makaveli23)
help with non void functions with an argument
i have a C++ project due at 5 p.m. pacific time today. my teacher did a poor job at explaining and missed telling us how to do part of the assignment. that bein...
[5 replies] Last: I realize that your assignment was due about two hours ago or so, but ... (by xismn)
Relativistic Effects Calculator, Almost working
So I recently took on the task of making a 'Relativity Calculator' and am Having a trouble with some if statements. I am fairly new to programming, so forgive m...
[2 replies] Last: No that did not work either, but I fixed the problem by assigning them... (by cmcraes)
by ntran
Ploting lines in C++
I have code to solve 2D truss structures implemented in C++ (as a console application). I would like to add some simple graphics to it in order to visualize the...
[1 reply] : You'll need a graphics library of some sort, as this sort of thing isn... (by MrHutch)
basename alternative
Hi I wrote this code to ensure I am using a safer basename: - not modifying argument - not using malloc to avoid free - I do not need it thread safe ...
[3 replies] Last: Just for the feedback I found an older NDK implementation of basename_... (by philonto)
by S G H
Imbueing UTF-8 locale
Is there a generic UTF-8 locale? I tried "en_US.UTF8" (and "en_US.UTF-8" ) but they seem to not be working on MinGW (runtime_error thrown as stated when the lo...
[2 replies] Last: "Good" to know. Is there any suggested way to convert from X locale to... (by S G H)
March 2014 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 36
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