General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 35)

by itcsr
File Managment, skiping certain lines from files
Good Evening All, Im supposed to write a program that reads lines from files and see if the first character is an odd number, if so it will out put the remain...
[3 replies] Last: Loved your answer Cubbi, sadly the seeking is the requirement . thats ... (by itcsr)
by genis
GSL bivariate
Hi I need to to use the function void gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian (const gsl rng * r, double sigma_x, double sigma_y, double rho, double * x, double * y ...
[no replies]
How to find square root of a number without math.h?
How to find the square root of a number without using math library? please help me guys
[1 reply] : (by Peter87)
Need Help! Multi looping :(
I made a voting program in which you need to enter one number from 1 ~ 5. the variables c,d,e,f,g are the number of votes for a certain item. What I need to d...
[2 replies] Last: The cleanest way to do this would be to use a struct to hold all infor... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
server not receiving ip address from client
please check out this question: i probably should have posted it in this forum
[4 replies] Last: yes sorry that line should not be there i have used getpeername alrea... (by beginner123)
my assimeant
hello everyone i have an assimeant and i face some proplem with it the assimeant consider 5 parts for part A .. Write a function named 7that output the el...
[4 replies] Last: this is my new codes but i still have errors !? And another PLEASE ... (by tcs)
Function Pointers
Any idea where I am going wrong? We have to make a function integrate to work with the other functions given. I had it working before but I would only get all -...
[2 replies] Last: well, b-a will give -4 in case of the line. But that's not an integral... (by coder777)
by ing703
consecutive char and counting
how to put 2 letters together and make them to count as 1? provided that they must consecutive for example: p : count as 0 pxp : count as 0 pp : count ...
[1 reply] : Like this? int CountConsecutiveChars(char Lookup, char* Array) { ... (by Stewbond)
by rcast
Different aspects of C++
I am learning C++ now and have wondered what I need to learn or do to get my programs to operate outside of the console realm, and in GUI windows (a windows pro...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, it can completely replace VS! (by Stewbond)
by daljit
error in code
hello dear i was debugging the following code it was giving following error 234 D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Untitled1.cpp expected co...
[1 reply] : need help pls correct errors (by daljit)
issue with character array
[5 replies] Last: Maybe I should have been more specific... I wanted to know if there wa... (by Zhuge)
Video Game (Turbo C++)
Well im new to this C++ thing, im only 14 and my dad showed me alot... Well since im still at the video game playing age i have been inspired by minecraft. So...
[2 replies] Last: read my post here: (by DeXecipher)
periodic table
hello, I need help here. Here is the code #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { char element; cout << " Please enter a symbol. " <...
[3 replies] Last: no... char only holds one letter. so if he enters 'he' then it will on... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Prime Numbers
Hello Everybody, I am trying to find the largest prime factor of a number. But when I am trying to determine if a number is a prime number in the function: i...
[5 replies] Last: @Duoas , thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questio... (by Neil010)
by tmlee2
.h File that is Continously Updating to extract certain variables
Hello everyone, I need to write a C++ program, that extracts certain variables, x y z, from a file that is continuously being updated x y z. These variables...
[4 replies] Last: Well I was wondering how I would incorporate the file that is always b... (by tmlee2)
by mrpeed
Proper way to exit after encountering an error?
if(usleep(timeToSleep) == -1) { perror("Failed to sleep."); exit(1); } Lets say timeToSleep() returns -1 which signifi...
[2 replies] Last: On error you have to exit with any value but 0. Mostly applications r... (by tcs)
chroma key
Anybody know a way i can implement chroma keying in c++. Like removing a green screen like they do in movies. but i have an object in front of a green screen...
[4 replies] Last: Now i am trying to implement it but i can't seem to loop through the m... (by asda333)
by yados
Overloading function in a template class
Hi, I want to do a specialisation for int and float but i don't know is not ok. template<typename K, typename V> class H_Table { private : A_List<K,...
[no replies]
Help with array transferring
I'm trying to put file data into members of a class. Remember to type in the file name you want to open. Cool feature right? I just had Dbase.txt so I chose tha...
[14 replies] Last: OMG I FIGURED IT OUT, it was stupid solution though, I had to put the ... (by greenleaf800073)
copy string ..
Hello .. I want to copy the string from orig to dest. by the function ypcrts.. so what is the problem in my code.. thx a lot #include <iostream> #include...
[4 replies] Last: You are not doing what you think you are doing. So comment your code ... (by ne555)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 3334353637... 51
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